Sun Sensuality

“Though we are seeing the potential for harmful events, I am getting the clear message, this energy will not harm us, but wake us up by rewiring our light bodies. The energy is very feminine in nature and so it’s energy is gentle, loving, and direct. This energy has an important purpose and has been planned for in a cosmic sense.” – C Johnston

SunSenualityStarting at the end of October, the sun became more active. We saw the largest sun spot we have experienced in over 25 years sending us some powerful energy, but we did not witness any coronal mass ejections during the many “X and C” class flares. Those who watch these events and are responsible for the electrical grids and our satellites were on high alert because a large enough x-class flare hitting us, can wipe out electrical grids for months and destroy satellites that we depend on.

The sun is conscious and is our “organizing” principle here in the solar system. The sun dictates ,energetically speaking, what takes place in our world. Our sun is currently aligning and having a “rendevous” with the galactic center of our Galaxy. The Ancients such as the Egyptians and Mayans referred to that Galactic Center as our Central Sun, or our Solar Logos. The rare alignment activates our sun, and the sun changes energy and how it interacts with our solar system. The Mayan’s knew this alignment took place and hence why they were able to point to this time in history as a new time. Our sun will change, our solar system will change and so will Earth, and what happens to Earth happens within us.

My guides are telling me it’s like two partners coming together in sexual play and each arousing the other until an erotic discharge takes place. Our sun is being aroused right now, and that arousal is creating an increase in a new type of creational energy that is bathing us.  Though we are seeing the potential for harmful events, I am getting the clear message, this energy will not harm us, but wake us up by rewiring our light bodies. The energy is very feminine in nature and so it’s energy is gentle, loving, and direct. This energy has an important purpose and has been planned for in a cosmic sense.

These cycles of increased energy can cause 3d outcomes that can impact us and cause minor inconveniences. Some of these outcomes can be a sudden shifts in weather patterns. We can see an increase in death, because the energy is so pure at this time, some souls may use it to ride the energy home. And some humans may find it difficult to find their balance because the energy is “active” and different than normal. Their light bodies may be clogged with emotional energy and therefore those emotions are being stirred. Get out your glasses of water and start blowing those emotions into the water and when you feel you have emptied them, pour them on the land. It’s better we release energy now then allow it to keep harming us, and breaking down our bodies and our minds.

This powerful new energy is rewiring our light bodies, and so our physical, mental and emotional bodies will also be impacted. Our light bodies are our hard drives.  Do not underestimate what your body is coping with. It’s like you sticking your fingers in a electrical socket and getting zapped. It’s not that dramatic, but the energy upgrade is constant.

Our 3d bodies are constantly being “rebooted”. This could mean, we feel slow and sluggish. We are overtly tired. We are thirsty and need more water or we hungry but more picky on what we eat. This change is OK! Our bodies know what they need. And the biggest factor,  more rest is a must especially in the day while we rewire. Many things are happening at once, that we can not see, but we feel it. It’s good to practice “openess and avaiablity” and practice a sense of humor. If you are leader or a boss of many people, please find a way to support your employees. They need to be supported through this very “taxing” time both personally and collectively is important. You are better to cut your employees some slack then to push them over an edge that they are trying to manage through. We are in “unprecedented” times. Time to be kind!!

The great news, our intuitive senses are becoming more keen. And we are becoming more forgetful. Some people like the late Ian Lungold said we would like lose our minds during this time. If we are to wake up and heal, obviously we have can’t take our ol’ wounds into this new phase, so it makes sense our memories will be cleared. I intend that I can still operate with more availability to divine wisdom as my intuitive mind assists me in what I need to do but that my emotional memories that cause me to suffer will be released. I think focused “intending” is a good practice these days as this important “cosmic” upgrade takes place. It’s a very sacred time to use our personal power to assist ourselves to ride this with “ease and grace”. Esther Hicks has some free videos on line speaking about intending our lives. Check it out if you are unsure how to “co-create”.

Because of these changes and because I feel ready to go back doing what I love to do. I am now offering Angel Readings. Most of my appointment times will be available for phone readings, but I am also setting up times for times in person for both readings and energy clearing appointments. If you feel you need that support during these amplified times, then check out my next section on my newsletter. I have done about 10 readings over the last month and those I have assisted have experienced valuable insights that support healing through understanding. The higher realms are on high alert at this time and ready to assist, because they seem to understand that what we are going through is not easy and they want to help.

Sending you all angel hugs and asking the universe to watch over you with love as we ride these sensual waves of change and evolutions!


SF Source Timelessness  Nov 14 2014

(Thanks, Bridge!)

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