This is How CNN’s Jim Acosta Actually Sees Himself

Liberty Planet – If there is one man — one baby-faced huckster with the courage with the spit and the sand to make CNN look as bad as he possibly can while shouting weird accusations at the President during White House press briefings — it’s Jim Acosta.

Good old Slippin’ Jimmy did more to degrade the reputation of CNN than any other single pundit on that channel over the last two years. Even Don Lemon, with all of his goofy ranting about Trump’s imagined racism and Brian Stelter’s unending disingenuous ramblings about his suspicions about Trump’s mental health could not make CNN look more unprofessional, more politically slanted, unhinged, and dishonest than Jim Accost-ya.

Accost-ya has set the standard for shouting at presidents during sensitive diplomatic meetings, exaggerating any imagined connection between the president and white supremacist groups, and just making any loosely confabulated accusation that comes to mind.

Jim Accost-ya is a hero. He has done more to justify Trump’s now famous accusation that CNN is fake news than whole networks could do in two years. He has done more to prove the absolute depravity and dishonesty that they are willing to hear, say, and promote all in the name of helping Democrats regain power.

So, we want to take this moment to thank Jim Accost-ya for bravely karate chopping that young female intern on camera. Jimmy, your courage will not go unrewarded.

Here’s Owen Benjamin with a trailer for the new Jim Acosta mockumentary- Reluctant Hero: The Jim Acosta Story.

SF Source Liberty Planet May 2018

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