The Use Of Color In Mind Control Conditioning To Divide & Conquer

colorsMusicIs2Words Mu Mind Control, while ubiquitous and pervasive in modern society, is acting on a level unseen by many people who argue vehemently that it does not exist. It becomes a sort of “can’t see the forest for the trees” issue. Perhaps they are not consciously aware of its effects on their psyche, if they are truly conscious at all (a topic for another article).

As I have noted in previous articles, psyche is a Greek word meaning spirit, incidentally. Mind Control indeed affects the spirit, which is evident in the fact that so many people are on psych meds for one reason or another, & that there is no definitive objective test for most of the psychiatric ailments in the DSM (another topic for another article). This article specifically deals with the use of color in mind control applications.

Most people are familiar with the use of color in advertising. For example, fast food restaurants usually use the colors red, orange, & yellow on their street signs. Take McDonalds & Burger King for example. Do you know why they chose these colors?

Research into the subject of color used in fast food advertising would yield a variety of results. However, what I have discovered is that, predominantly, red is associated with a sense of urgency, yellow with hunger, & orange with impulse buying.

Red is known to be stimulating, while blue is usually calming. This can also be applied to warm & cool colors in general, but red & blue are the quintessential warm & cool colors, so I suspect that they would have the strongest effect in those areas, respectively.

That which divides in order control has been doing it for millennia. It sorts male & female into radically different colors to divide them from each other. If you’re a baby boy, then you will most likely spend babyhood & childhood in a room full of blue, & if a girl, you get pink. What does being surrounded by a specific color through childhood do to the child’s psyche?

Studies show that being exposed to certain colors can affect performance. Exposing students to the color red prior to an exam has been shown to have a negative impact on test performance. Could it be that red overstimulates the mind, making it difficult to focus? If a baby girl is surrounded by pink from babyhood into the tweens, could inhibit her ability to learn & retain information?

Some may say “girls get pink not red” to confuses the issue. Pink is light red as “baby blue” is light blue.

Why IS there a “battle of the sexes” anyway? Why is it that men and women are so radically different? Why are women often considered neurotic, catty, and high maintenance? Could it have anything to do with the effects of color on the psyche, at least in part? Of course there are other contributing factors, but the use of color as assigned to gender is the first form of conditioning that affects the newborn baby, which will then be built upon with other forms of conditioning, as that child grows up.

The pink/blue thing is a societal construct used for control. When a new baby is on the way, everyone wants to know what gender it is so they can buy the appropriate gift for the shower. Conditioning begins before the baby is even born.

If the unborn child is found to be a girl, the baby shower will have a predominance of the color pink: pink decorations, pink plates & cups, pink gifts. By the same token, if the baby is going to be a boy, the shower will be all blue.

This marks the very beginning of how psychology (the study of the psyche/spirit) will be used on people, to divide & conquer. By making females & males so radically opposed to each other in the assignment of color based on gender, they are then more easily divided by needs & interests later on. The more you divide people from one another, the more they are likely to feel alone (at least subconsciously), & the easier it is to control them using the myriad of methods out there, including education, music, television, movies, etc.

If the heads of a family unit (mother & father) are divided, even if only subconsciously, then there will be arguments that might not otherwise occur if people were on an even playing field. This breeds easier control on the children.

The colors red and blue aren’t even compliments on the color wheel. They are not next to each other either. A similar situation exists in assigning symbols to people based on gender. They are not exactly opposite (complimentary), nor are they very similar. In the case of colors, the dividing is symbolic & the radically different colors affect the psyche differently. In the case of the commonly accepted symbols for male & female, the dividing happens through a process known as “Archetypal Transference”, & is still unseen by those who are not fully conscious.

Once you can see how colors affect the psyche, & how different colors are assigned to people based on gender, the question then becomes: How long have males been blue and females been pink, & who decided that these colors should be assigned to human beings at birth?


Colour Psychology for Your Website [INFOGRAPHIC]

SF Source How To Exit The Matrix August 2016

4 thoughts on “The Use Of Color In Mind Control Conditioning To Divide & Conquer

  1. If you like how colors are premeditatively used to coerce behaviors, look at music and rhythms. Popular music’s stimulation melodic intervals, rhythms and harmonies are malevolent. Organic creation is largely psychedelic, it is not repetitive redundancies which provide the substrate for a control system.

  2. A rather rudimentary understanding of the red/blue boy/girl color dynamics. We are light years into the future from this basic information.

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