What To Drink If You Have No Water Source

rainwaterSurvival Institute – In a survival situation, it’s a good idea to have backup plans, especially when it comes to basic needs such as water. You may find yourself in a situation where you don’t have ready access to municipal water, a working well, a stream, or even a lake or pond for any use of water. What can you do?

You can collect rainwater.

If this idea panics you, and you are concerned about dehydration, pay attention to what Gaye Levy has to say about rainwater:

In a crisis, rainwater can become one of a prepper’s greatest allies. If you live in an area with as few as 30 inches (12 cm) of precipitation a year, you may be able to live entirely off water falling on the roof of your home. That is, you could collect enough water from precipitation to meet all of your needs for cooking, cleaning, bathing, flushing toilets, watering gardens, and supplying a few chickens and a goat or cow – if you use water efficiently. I’ve done it for many years.

In drier climates, you may not be able to live off rainwater, but you could capture enough water to irrigate a vegetable garden and fruit trees and perhaps supply a few animals that provide the food you’ll need to survive in style.

Fortunately, catching rainwater is a relatively easy thing, especially if your home (or bug out location) already has gutters installed. You just need a way to capture all of that water running out of your drain pipes and have a way to purify it for your uses.

(As a side note, some states have made it illegal to collect rainwater, so check the laws in your area or consider moving to an area without such stupid laws.)

Levy also notes that, “If you live in a warm climate, rain barrels and cisterns can be installed above ground.” She continues, “If you live in a colder climate and want to collect water from snow melting off your roof, be sure to bury your cistern below the frost line or place it indoors – for example, in a basement,” and “Only bury water tanks rated for underground burial.” She also notes that you will want to use tanks rated for potable water if you intend to drink the water.

So, with a little forethought and not-too-much trouble, you could have your own rainwater collection system to get you through a disaster situation.

SF Source Survival Institute May 2017

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