Comey is a Dirty Cop – Former US Attorney [Video]

Bill Still –  The former US Attorney for the District of Columbia, Joseph diGenova yesterday blasted FBI Director James Comey as a dirty cop who created a fake investigation of Hillary Clinton’s illegal private server and ongoing email scandals.

According to diGenova, one of the driving forces behind Comey’s unethical and possibly illegal manipulation of the investigation into Clinton is he didn’t want to be remembered as the person who destroyed the chances of the first female nominee for President of the United States.

However, inside the FBI, there is turmoil as a result. According to diGenova, current FBI agents:

[insert: “consider Comey to be a dirty cop]

In the past week, around Washington, there has been much talk of an internal revolt among agents working within the FBI. Fox Business host, Stuart Varney asked diGenova that if there is an internal revolt, why there have been no public resignations:

[insert: “no one is going to give up their pensions….]

Varney then asks diGenova if such a strong accusation – of being a dirty cop – is really warranted of a sitting Director of the FBI.

[insert: “it is justified…”]

[insert: Clinton “why am I not 50 points ahead?”]

There is a very interesting article on diGenova and his wife, former deputy assistant attorney general in the Reagan administration, Victoria Toensing, on the DC Bar’s website.

Either of these two incorruptible attorneys would be my picks for the new Attorney General under a Trump administration.

I’ll put this link to the story in the Description box below:

I’m still reporting from Washington. Good Day.

SF Source Bill Still Oct. 2016

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