Cosmic Acupuncture

Cosmic AcupunctureLorna Bevan – Welcome to 2023 – the unknown unknown. It might be January 1st on the calendar but the New Year really begins on January 21/22 at the Aquarian Super New Moon electrified by Uranus turning direct.

This week, although both Mercury and Mars are retrograde -slowing and delaying action in the outer world – Venus is tangoing with Pluto in the jaws of the Wolf Full Moon as the Sun and Mercury plug into Awakener Uranus and the Node of Fate. It’s going to feel like a session of cosmic acupuncture – as the Uranian high frequency delivers short, sharp shocks of the totally unexpected, complete with flashpoints and breakthroughs.

This Wolf Moon on January 7 is an opening for much-needed emotional clearing and healing. The Cancer/Capricorn axis and planets in your chart have been under enormous stress and transformation ever since Pluto entered Capricorn in November 2008, intensified by the devastation brought by the epochal Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January 2020. The Sun in Capricorn is conjunct retrograde Mercury, with Mars and Uranus also retrograde. The Sun/Moon are square Wounded Healer Chiron in Aries, trine Uranus and the karmic Node of Fate in Taurus.

If you look closely, you might start to see this wholesale somatic and psychic restructuring as a certain kind of Grace… not the sweet, sugary grace that is the favourite Instagram kind, but a grace that is fierce and wild and has a disassembling energy to it. It’s the grace of Kali, a raging grace, a creative and destructive reorganisation of consciousness.

We all need some gentleness now. We all need some healing. We all need a rest. It starts with being kinder to yourself and then kinder to others, making the leap to trusting in life again. It can be so easy to lose track of your home base, whether imagined as the palace of the soul, the light of the spirit, or the ventral passageways of the holy human nervous system.

Your wound is not pathology, it is path. It has something to show you that the unbroken could never reveal. If you will provide a holding space for the broken pieces to reassemble, they will reveal an unmet doorway.

Chandra Symbol Full Moon Cancer 17: a woman working busily at a spinning wheel

“Trance states as natural evolution. Being inside the inside, yet staying under and weaving a web in time of remembrance and forgetfulness and remembrance.

Deeply involved with the personal, yet coldly detached from whatever does not serve.

Persuading, teaching, invoking, insisting that what comes next, comes next, that we must get on with the dance.

This is a penetrating sensibility which finds what can be brought forward and fosters it all-pervasively.

The collective voice of conscience at her post, attentive and scrutinizing.

A void in terms of letting everything be, and an immense force to follow the thread of growth and development all the way through, catching every stitch.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Jan 2023

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