The Greatest Mystery of All Time

curiosityOwen K Waters – Western religion has never been a fan of spiritual philosophy. Let’s face it, deep thinkers are far to risky to have around when great power is at stake. People who thought too much were silenced one way or another.

Look at the poor guy who promoted the idea that the Earth is not really the center of the universe. For his efforts, Galileo was tried for heresy by the Inquisition and, because he was already well-known, the worst they could do to shut him up was was to place him under house arrest for the rest of his life.

For thousands of years, the healthy questions about life, the universe and everything all came out of the East. In India, for example, the longest-standing mystery of all time goes like this…

The purpose of the universe is for God to manifest into a world of imperfection and then evolve Itself back to perfection. But, as It already possessed perfection, why create a universe in order to find that which It already had?

Why, when Infinite Being was perfection, bliss, and completion in every way, did it want to move from just being into an active state of doing and create the universe?

What a conundrum and, for thousands of years, there was never an explanation in sight. Until today. Well, until 2007, to be exact.

Remember, these are the days when the secrets are coming out. The mysteries of the universe are to be secret no more. There are ascended masters who impress the minds of physical people at opportune times with information that needs to be made public. No doubt, in recent years, the same realization has filtered into the minds of many thinking persons, but here is how it was given to me.

I was alone in my study pondering that exact question. (Talk about an opportune moment!) Suddenly, the energy changed and I was very muchnot alone. The room filled with the presence of an advanced master whose energy I immediately recognized from previous encounters.

Realizing that the experience was sending me into what was virtually a dreaming-awake state, and that I was therefore at risk of my memory fading soon after the experience, I grabbed a pen and notepad to record his exact message:

First of all, the thought, “I’ve cracked the code”, came into my head as clear as day.

“What?” I responded, then immediately knew what he meant, as if an understanding had just unfolded into my consciousness.

“I found the answer”, he clarified and, again, a set of related information unfolded itself into my awareness. He had gone beyond the beyond, into realms never yet explored in order to find the answer and bring it back home.

“What is it?”, I gasped in surprise, and promptly received an assurance that it was something quite simple. Actually, when you think about it, an ultimate reality has to be ultimately simple.

“What was the answer?”, I thought, almost bursting with intense curiosity.

Right there, very appropriately, he dropped the answer into my thought stream.

“Curiosity was the first seed of action.”

Infinite Being, in its ultimate peace, bliss and completeness in all ways, had initially developed a spark of curiosity! That was the one, initial catalyst through which all else had come into being.

Curiosity had led to the desire to explore, for Infinite Being to begin to see itself from different viewpoints and to see where that would lead.

The great journey from being to doing had begun in that embryonic seed of curiosity.

The outbreath into Creation had begun and it would continue, driven by the power of curiosity, until the inbreath would eventually bring all of Creation back to its spiritual roots, enriched by having gained an infinite variety of experiences.

Curiosity was the earliest motivator in the history of Creation. Life as we know it began with curiosity.

SF Source Metaphysical Mysteries Revealed Jul 2017

One thought on “The Greatest Mystery of All Time

  1. “Remember, these are the days when the secrets are coming out.” Precisely. The Earth IS the center of the universe, except there is no universe. Freemason Galileo concealed our domed, flat Earth. Praise Yahowah the Luciferians are being exposed, NASA and its fake space travels are being exposed, fake UFO stunts on the horizon, to fail and be mocked by those that can see.

    “Nearly a century later, in 1737, members of Florence’s cultural and scientific elite unearthed the scientist’s remains in a peculiar Masonic rite. Freemasonry was growing as a counterweight to church power in those years and even today looms large in the Italian popular imagination as an anticlerical force.” – The New York Times

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