Solar Flares And Feeling Tired

danaMrkichJust when I think, “I need to take a break from writing about #SolarFlares, everyone must be tired of hearing about them” there are more strong ones, and the energy is just too big not to write about it!

We’re at 8 M Class Solar Flares this week from Sunspot 2205, that’s 2 a day! And just when I thought’ oh wow this one is different, I feel so energised!’ – I could barely keep my eyes open this afternoon for about 30 minutes! I felt like someone had given me a drowsy sleeping pill. I had a look online and yep, sure enough, there was an M Flare in progress.

It is easier to have energetic work done on us when we are asleep or very relaxed, so don’t feel bad about yourself if you are getting waves of extreme tiredness! We can’t necessarily have a nap right when we need to, but if you get that tired wave, and are able to surrender to it by slowing down even if just for half an hour or so, it will help your energy do what it needs to do in response to the incoming energy. Otherwise, any energetic shifting that needs to happen will happen when you are asleep later on and that’s great – it just means the tired/drowsy feeling may stay with you longer until that flare’s energy is done with you. Hope you are all travelling well x

(c) Dana Mrkich 2014

SF Source DanaMrkich  Nov 6 2014

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