Darth Soros Again…

SorosJoseph P Farrell – Last Thursday, during my News and Views from the Nefarium (Jan 26, 2017), readers might recall that I outlined my high octane speculation that perhaps Darth Soros and his various non-government foundations might be emerging as the target of first choice in the on going international “populist” revolt against Mr. Globaloney. I based this on a consideration of the emerging anti-Soros movement in Macedonia, and Hungary, and on the Russian bans on his “foundations” in Russia after the Euromaidan coup against the then government of The Ukraine and the installation of a western friendly puppet government.

After that video, many people started to flood my email box with articles about Soros, and it adds some more grist for that mill of high octane speculation and for the scenario I outlined. Consider these two articles, sent by many readers here:

Dutch Regulator Accidentally Posts Soros’s Short Positions [link]

Let’s take a few paragraphs from the first article:

It’s of paramount importance that Canada and other nations cut off foreign funding to civil society groups and foundations which operate within their borders. These foundations and organizations represent outside forces which have ulterior motives and agendas which may not always, if ever, be aligned with the needs of the people.

One such foreign “philanthropic” organization is the George Soros funded Open Society Foundation. This foundations sole purpose is the promotion and expansion of the liberal-left international agenda meant to reduce national sovereignty, fund and support massive migration, such as is taking place in Europe, and the promote the mandate of open borders.

Soros and his foundations have provided the majority of funding for liberal-left social justice movements which have eroded national identity, encouraged abortion and divorce, and promote extremist environmentalism and taxation, such as the carbon tax scams which are being implemented in western nations.

Along with giving billions to left-wing socialist organizations Soros also attempts to influence elections, as in the recent American election and other nations.  Even within nations his foundations fund and support groups such as the Dogwood Initiative based in British Columbia.  This group’s stated goal is to influence Canadian elections in federal ridings.

The attempts to remove American sovereignty have been halted by the election of Donald Trump which is why Soros is now funding the protests against the Trump administration.  The control which Soros has over the news media comes from his funding and support for the progressive media watchdog group called Media Matters.  The term “media watchdog” should be interpreted as “ensuring the promotion of liberal-left propaganda”.  (Emphasis added)

The article quite rightly raises – albeit in an elliptical and round-about way – the hypocrisy of the corporate controlled media, complaining of “Russian influence” over the recent American elections, while it continued to ignore the question not only of Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel’s attempts to influence those same elections via contributions to another such foundation (and we all know which one that is), but of the influence of foundations  with their blatantly globalist agendas which espouse ideologies contrary to the national interests of the countries in which they operate.

While the opposition to Darth Soros in Canada seems confined for the moment to the opposition, I rather suspect that as the consequences of globaloney continue to impact that nation, that such calls will intensify.

What really caught my attention, however, that the first paragraph’s implicit suggestion that foundations as such – not simply those of Soros – are a cause for concern, and this recalled to my mind the efforts of the Reece committee in the 1950s in the United States to investigate the power and influence of foundations.

The Reece committee, a successor in the Republican controlled Congress that took office on the coattails of President Dwight Eisenhower, was the successor to a committee that had been appointed by the previous Democratic Congress to investigate foundations, but whose efforts were largely sabotaged both by Republicans and Democrats refusing to fund it sufficiently. (For a more complete review of these committees, see my book, The Third Way.)

What the Reece committee and its predecessor found, however, was highly suggestive, because it concluded, long before any of the Soros NGOs were on the scene, that several famous corporate foundations – Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie and so on – were engaged in a similar ideological commitment and effort. Indeed, Rene Wormser, chief counsel to the Reece Committee, wrote a book about the results of the Committee, Foundations: Their Power and Influence, in which he described the foundations as modern equivalents to the great mediaeval crusading orders: they were tax exempt, had their own agenda, and were, in effect, extraterritorial sovereignties and “information gatekeepers” designed to create and control the mega-narratives of society.

This suggests my first high octane speculation of the day: perhaps, with the increasing attention on Soros, we are witnessing the old struggle exemplified by the Reece Committee surfacing once again, and trying to finish the job it left unfinished. Of course, the foundations under investigation then were not accused of covertly funding violent activities in the hopes of counteracting elected governments, as is alleged by some to be the case for the Soros interests.

If those allegations should be proven to be true or even a strong prima facie case be made that they are true, then those activities have endangered the whole edifice of foundations beyond the Soros interests, and that cannot be something those powerful families behind them will want to see, given the intertwined nature of networks among the super-rich.

Turning to the second article, however, the possibilities of high octane speculation grow once again, for hovering between the lines is the possibility that a covert coordinated effort is being waged to expose the Soros interests as a part of a potential softening up campaign prior to an actual “take out”. Consider the first two paragraphs of the second article:

Some of hedge fund billionaire George Soros’s short positions dating back to 2012 were published on the Dutch financial market regulator’s website this week due to “human error,” according to the regulator AFM.

The short positions, bets on a stock declining, were “between 0.2 percent and 0.5 percent,” of shares outstanding in the companies shorted, AFM spokesman Ward Snijders said by phone on Thursday. The Dutch regulator publishes shorts of 0.5 percent or higher on its website on a daily basis. The smaller amounts were posted by mistake, he said.

What this suggests is that the current positions of the various Soros entities could also be potentially exposed to public scrutiny… and potential investigation. In other words, while the story is that all this was simply an accident and “human error,” I suspect that it might not have been, but rather, a “message” and part of that message may be “there’s more to come.” It used to be considered an act of (economic) war for one nation to engage in currency speculations or even counterfeiting of another nation’s currency, and the message seems to be “the same holds true” for so-called “private, ‘charitable,’ funds and foundations.”

For the moment, I suspect, given these recent stories, that indeed Soros and his fortune is in someone’s cross-hairs. The question is, whose? Regardless of the answer to that question, they are bound to be powerful, and have sophisticated means at their disposal. And this means – if all these speculations be true – that he is in for quite a fight. Time itself will tell.

See you on the flip side…

SF Source Giza Death Star Jan. 2017

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