Data Proves Big Pharma Knew the Truth About COVID Jabs

Data Proves Big Pharma Knew the Truth About COVID JabsMark Patricks – While skepticism of the COVID-19 vaccine was once considered to be a “conspiracy theory” which would have you censored, fired from your job, and ostracized, the data continues to prove that the vaccine skeptics were RIGHT ALL ALONG!

The government has refused to admit the truth, but the masses are starting to see the data and realize that we’ve been lied to all this time. There was enough data during the clinical trials to indicate that the vaccines are NOT SAFE – and they should have been stopped long ago!

A recent analysis performed by Phinance Technologies revealed that there was a sudden SPIKE in disabilities associated with the rollout of the vaccine.

Edward Dowd, one of the founders of Phinance, wrote that his company discovered a stronger case for “establishing a causal relationship between disabilities and the Covid-19 vaccines,” meaning they were able to find more proof that the jab is wreaking havoc on people!

“In part 3 of our US disabilities analysis we observed that the rise in disability rates post 2/2021 correlates closely with the rollout of the vaccination schedule. When looking at changes in disabilities on a wider time frame (since 2008) we observe that the disability rates rose or fell from month to month but tended to be relatively stable over time. However, as shown in part 1, the change in behavior since early 2021 is clearly an abnormal occurrence with high level of statistical significance. It happens to be highly correlated to the cumulative Covid-19 vaccine rollout,” Dowd notes.

“We provide further evidence that the most likely cause of the rise in disabilities is the Covid-19 vaccines.”

Phinance modeled out the expected rise in disabilities associated with the vaccine by taking data drawn from Pfizer and Moderna’s CLINICAL TRIALS known as Serious Adverse Events (SAEs.)

The data showed that the disabilities were rising faster than they should since the COVID vaccine was introduced to the general public and apparently, the clinical trials had underreported the ACTUAL number of adverse effects by 2.6 times.

Dowd notes that these vaccines are EXTREMELY dangerous and need to be taken out of circulation to perform a new “comprehensive investigation.”

He calls for at least a 3-year clinical trial to test the vaccines before they’re reintroduced to the public.

All of this means Big Pharma has been intentionally lying to the public and the government agencies like the FDA and the CDC have willfully been helping them get away with it!

We’ve had more than enough reasons to shut down the use of the jabs now – but our government being in the pockets of Big Pharma means they REFUSE to shut it down.

SF Source League of Power Feb 2023


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