It is often our interactions with others that bring crisis into our lives

negativityVeronica – When one incarnates into physical reality it’s not just the environment that one has to maneuver through.  Often other incarnates we encounter can bring crisis and dilemma along with them.

Sometimes they project whatever trauma they feel upon you.  Sometimes their ‘stuff’ can derail the harmony you are attempting to create.  It can become frustrating to continuallyc.

There can be emotional/mental pain thrust upon your energy when others decide to project more and more.  Sometimes the individual may not realize what they are doing.  In their quest to find relief they can be blind to the plight of others.  The singular focus upon themselves is all they can visualize.

A lot of interaction with this type of person can make one feel depleted and frustrated.  In most cases a verbal dispute may occur due to your energy wanting to defend yourself and clean the air.  In the aftermath of such an exchange, if negative energy is employed on both sides it accomplishes nothing.  Often the projection of the past is all the other person can envision.  A thick layer of misinformation due to their own experience can color the current moment.

You are now becoming reactive to this behavior.  You may succumb to agitation you feel.  You may be frustrated at your perception of the other parties’ behavior.  You may desire to react negatively right back at them.

Ultimately a reaction will accomplish nothing.  Possibly it would create an escalation of the negativity.  Once both rise to unlimited fury, surely nothing would unfold in a positive manner.

Instead of reacting, perhaps keep your balance in place.  Think before you speak.  Be clear in yourself of what exactly you wish to occur.  Become a vessel of peace instead of anger.

Anger is a reaction.

Make your response to negativity a positive action.  Bring new energy into the mix of the exchange.  Keep your energy balanced by acting.  State your truth and be done.

Often once a damaged energy starts ranting it is often impossible to create an atmosphere of clarity.  Be the one who remains clear.  Be the one who speaks the truth without negative emotion that is often a reaction.

You will most likely never win an argument with this type of energy.  In their chaotic thought process they merely want to regurgitate the pain they feel inside.  Often their subject matter does not make sense…… especially to you.

Realize that the core of the exchange is based in their internal pain.  This pain you can not remedy within them.  They need to address it themselves.  You have delivered the truth.  Give them time to process.  To continue to engage in the debate would be futile.  The other energy often cannot hear this truth.  Deaf to the truth of the matter.

Stay focused and balanced.  Let the other energy speak, but do not be affected by it.  Know that most of their dialogue is buried deep within them.  Their pain is not created by you.  It is their creation.  Back up while not falling into a pit of heckling and name calling.  This fixes nothing.

Keep your integrity.  Do not be fooled in a heated exchange that, because of the damaged party, is unsolvable.

Be clear that you are acting in the situation, not reacting.

Sadly there are exchanges that cannot be resolved.  In those moments become harmonic in your own energy.  Know that their negativity is theirs, not something created by you.

They may never get the point in this life.  One can only hope they will in the next one.  Release your negativity towards them.  It does your form no favors to harbor these negative thoughts.  Release them and move on.  One cannot wait for others to evolve.  Leave them in their own misery while sending a healing thought instead of a damaging one.

Move forward.

Your consciousness will guide you on the way.

Decide to act.

Decide not to react.

It may not resolve itself within the time line.

Spend your days in creating harmony.  By remaining positive, those types of interactions will dwindle.

Find your peace.

Stay there.

SF Source Inner Whispers May 2019

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