Dr Noack Murdered Amid Proof Of Heart Inflammation From Vax

Guy Crittenden  – If my blog was a television station, this post would be labeled with a large banner stating: “This is an Emergency Broadcast. This is Not a Test.”

I’ll skip my usual preamble and cut straight to the point. Some extremely important developments have occurred in the research space around COVID-19 and the related global injection program. Instead of just sharing a few links on Facebook and other social media (that would be pulled down immediately), I decided to share the important links right here.

Andreas Noack
Andreas Noack

First, some of you may recall the German doctor, Dr Andreas Noack, who appeared in a disturbing short video a while ago that went viral when German police dramatically kicked down his front door and arrested him while he was live-streaming a podcast. You can watch that short video clip here.

Dr Noack subsequently recorded a video — after Austria announced extreme lockdown measures and plans to force-vaccinate the whole population — that elaborated on revelations about the presence of graphene hydroxide in the injections (a claim the corporate media has dismissed as a conspiracy theory). His presentation was devastating to the official narrative. You can watch that video presentation here.

Stay with me, folks. I’m building to some big news…

Now we learn that Dr Noack has been murdered. The news came from his girlfriend who recorded an announcement and call to action from their mutual friends. The short video can be viewed here. It appears some powerful people don’t want the reality of the dangerous materials in the jabs to be made public just before Austria implements its forced-vaccination program, and other countries exclude the uninjected from society.

These terrible events have transpired just as news has emerged from the most credible source imaginable that the injections contain chemicals that cause heart inflammation, ultimately leading to heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis and a range of related problems that are injuring and killing people in large numbers. (As most know, 108 FIFA players and referees have died post-injection within a six-month period. This is just one data set from one industry. Anecdotal evidence suggests people are dropping in large numbers, but it’s difficult to get a handle on it as reporting is uneven and the media is actively suppressing this information.)

The credible information about the injections causing heart inflammation comes from a source that simply cannot be dismissed. The medical journal Circulation is a highly-regarded publication among specialists in the realm of heart and blood circulation; the journal published an astonishing article on November 8, 2021, the abstract for which you can read here.

The item has the rather amazing title, “Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning” That title is itself dramatic, but what you really need to read is the last sentence of the abstract: “We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”

I invite you to read that last sentence one more time, and consider its implications. Dr Vernon Coleman recorded a video about this in which he stated that because of this, the inoculation program must be halted immediately, and that if the injections continue after the publication of this article, one can only conclude a depopulation plan is in effect, since in any other time this news would cause the immediate suspension of injections pending further study. (You can access Dr Vernon’s warning video one Brand New Tube here.)

These developments — the murder of a whistleblower doctor in Germany and the release of a science paper warning explicitly that the injections cause heart inflammation — have taken place at the same time that Robert Kennedy Jr’s book The Real Anthony Fauci has gone viral and is being devoured by millions of readers, despite the New York Times doing its utmost to keep it off its best seller list.

If you want to glean key insights from this astonishing book before purchasing it, I recommend you listen to this fascinating episode of The Corbett Report in which RFK Jr is interviewed about his research findings.

The interview speaks for itself, but to whet your appetite I’ll disclose that RFK Jr reveals not only the details of the horrific experiments Fauci approved in which puppies were tied down so their faces could be eaten off by sand fleas (their vocal cords cut to prevent their screaming) but also Fauci’s gathering orphans back in the 1980s and turning them over to pharmaceutical experiments that killed them.

He specifically ensured the orphans had no guardians, which is illegal, and therefore no one to protect them. Hundreds of their tiny caskets were discovered in an open-pit mass grave in New England.

Yes, this is the person with whom Americans and people worldwide have entrusted their health, along with sociopath Bill Gates who, we must remember, crippled 500,000 children in India, was kicked out of the country, and had the money and clout to get this fact scrubbed from the internet.

In conclusion, I have to say that if people continue to promote these injections after all the aforementioned information and links, they must be considered hypnotized (by propaganda) or mentally ill (from extended lockdowns). While there’s much more to learn about the COVID operation, it’s now clear the injections are causing massive injury and death, and were deliberately developed as part of a program from large corporations and their proxies among globalist organizations like Davos and the World Economic Forum to restructure the world economy along totalitarian lines.

The proof exists in talks from RFK Jr and also luminaries such as former investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts and patent expert Dr David Martin, and others whose testimony before German class action lawyer Reiner Fuellmich’s COVID expert panel, toward Nuremberg 2.0 trials. Fuellmich updates the public about his findings in this interesting and important video.

It’s time to stop being deferential to our peers who continue to maintain the official narrative about a virus escaping a Wuhan lab, and well-intentioned drug companies and earnest public officials doing their best to face the crisis. Something deeply sinister is underway and we must respond while there’s still time. As I write this, Aboriginal elders and others are being removed by force to concentration camps in Australia’s Northern Territories. The time for being polite has long passed.

SF Source Hip Gnosis Nov 2021

2 thoughts on “Dr Noack Murdered Amid Proof Of Heart Inflammation From Vax

  1. It is a pre planned genocide against humanity. It’s been confirmed, under the mircroscope that all Covid vaccines (also the flu one and potentially others) have the very toxic gaphene oxide. Hence Covid existence and deaths of injected people:


    They create nanonsensors which can control the mind (demonstrated with mice in labs):


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