Eclipse Energy Update – the Evolutionary Perspective

selfAilia Mira – Big inner shifts are possible right now.We may be more aware of the old stuff coming up, but that is what it is showing up for. Even as a Walk-in (only having been here since 2013) I’m having lots of stuff from the past which is stored in my body, the somatic memories, surfacing in both dreams and waking states. Along with big waves at times of fear.

Realize that there is an opportunity right now to (RE)CLAIM our true Self, and with that, align to all that we are, in consciousness. This shift is resonant with consciousness that is beyond polarity or separation and this shift — beyond separation, into Oneness, is the shift we’re in collectively as a species.

The wake up call here, as I am experiencing it, is to realize my relationship to the true Self (Soul, I AM Presence, Eternal Self, Christed Consciousness, etc) and come into right relationship. Coming into accord with Life Itself and who I truly am.

My sense of this right relationship is that we open to the true Self and grow in our capacity to surrender to it, understanding this is our divine eternalness. It is me and I am it. So surrender is really much more about alignment and coming into resonance or accord with my True Self. The other part of this is willingness to express — to live our truth. Thus empowering flow.

More and more I realize that an aligned aim for living is to aspire to true expression. To let what wants to flow through me, be expressed. To learn to continue to do this as I expand and change, takes courage.

I learned today that the way lobsters grow is that they continually have periods of time when they have no shell! Their shells do not grow, so they must molt their shell and grow a new one as they age. As they do this there are then vulnerable and exposed while they grow a new one. Who knew?

I feel this vulnerability myself lately too, as I share openly about being disabled by LongCovid, continue to work and adjust how I do things to who I am now and share the new perspectives I’m receiving which are so vast and life-changing.

A helpful way for me to adjust to this ever changing and challenging experience of ascension, or the shift we’re in, is to realize I need to keep expressing, whatever wants to come through me, knowing that this empowers the flow. And the point is to be a channel, an open conduit for Life to express through me.

I now see the past three or four years in which I turned increasingly inward and began to surrender to my own vaster Self were perfectly preparing me for what is happening now.

And still, I feel, as you may at times, exposed, uncertain, hesitant and also when centered in my true Self, keenly aware of the astonishing evolutionary shift that is really happening and the deep sense of belonging and connection I have in my relationship with my Divine Self and my non-physical friends.

As I offered in my most recent post, a helpful mantra for me right now is: Rest In The Way Things Are. Dare to realize that you can be nourished and whatever is, is whatever is. Embrace it and accept it, as best you can, and see if you can feel your way into peace with the moment. Invite your Divine Self to give you the consciousness you need to live today, and to be with you, drawing you close and helping you be who you truly are.

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