Eclipses – Portals of Choice and Change

Eclipses - Portals of Choice and ChangeJennifer Hoffman – You are familiar with the expression ‘as within, so without, as above, so below’. It means that there is a mirror effect that exists in everything. Our inner world is reflected in our outer world. What exists in spirit is mirrored on the earth and within each one of us. This is the Law of Divine Oneness, the first of the 13 Universal Laws.

We understand the concept of energetics when we realize that the earth is a huge energy field and we are all connected to it, to each other, and to spirit through this energy field.

The energy field is impacted by all sorts of things including our energy and what is going on within countries and populations but it is also impacted by what is going on in our skies. The planets also exert a powerful influence on the earth’s energy field and on each of us. And if you do not think this is true wait until the next Mercury retrograde and all of the life disruptions that this period can create. Did you know that the tides of the earth’s seas and oceans are governed by the moon’s cycles? The planets definitely have an impact on every aspect of our reality.

These planetary impacts can be subtle or direct and occasionally we get a lightning bolt of energy in the form of an eclipse that shakes everything up. It’s showdown time at the ascension station. Eclipses open portals for choices and change and they are polarizing, there is no middle ground.

Eclipses are cosmic wild cards that bring in new energies and usher out old ones. They are universal access tunnels that we can pass through if we have the courage to make big, fast changes and live with the consequences.

Sometimes this is not voluntary and a choice or change is forced on us either through someone else’s choices. Eclipses shift timelines and break up energy patterns. And they abruptly end anything that is hanging on by a sliver of hope or the tiniest thread of regret.

Very little escapes the scrutiny of an eclipse cycle and we need them to help us take a step back and consider what we are doing and why and make different choices if we do not like our reality. Eclipses let us know when we have run out of energy road and are trying to keep going when our energy tank is running on fumes.

Instead of looking at eclipses from an astrological perspective, think of them as energetic reboots or restarts, an opportunity to clear out the old files stored in our cache and decide whether we still want or need them. Eclipses appear in 19 year cycles and the cycle we are in is a repeat of one from November 2003 and prior to that November 8, 1994 with the node entering Taurus in September 1994.

The word eclipse means to outshine, overshadow, and transcend. The 4D bridge is the path of transcension that takes us from the density of 3D to the integrated light of 5D. An eclipse creates a glitch in the matrix, it shifts the energy just enough so that old connections are disrupted.

Then we have to decide what we are going to moving forward once we realize that revitalizing the old ways is not going to work and we need new strategies and tactics and new energy pathways for our new realities.

Every time I know an eclipse is coming I think about how people must have viewed them centuries ago when the idea that the sun could go dark during the day must have been frightening indeed. It is still frightening for us today and we fear eclipses because, as we are told, they bring chaos, disruption, dark times, and despair but that is not the whole story.

Eclipses create time warps and wormholes, portals into the express lane of ascension integration and transformation. We can use these as shortcuts if we have the courage to explore the fast track and move quickly through our life journey into a new dimensional frequency or a new vibe. And yes that would bring a lot of chaos and drama but it also brings us to a new level of being.

The eclipse time warp can show up as a blessed ending which we do not see as that until long after an eclipse is over, sometimes 6 months to a year later. Then we realize that we were being protected and kept safe by the same Universe we thought was punishing us by withholding what we wanted or had our heart set on.

Eclipses come in pairs and the October 25 eclipse is followed by one on November 8 which just happens to be the date of one of the most important elections in US history and there are important elections happening around that time in other countries in the world.

The November 8 eclipse is very interesting, in addition to its mirroring of the one on November 9, 2003, because it features very prominent and powerful aspects, including an exact conjunction between Uranus and the moon which is also opposite the triple conjunction of Sun, Mercury, and Venus.

In fact, in the November 8 eclipse every single planet is paired with another and they all offer some kind of supporting aspect (not always good and easy) to this full moon but the highlight is the Uranus connection because Uranus is the 5D planet.

Welcome to the new ascension paradigm and it’s a doozy. On November 9, 2003 there was an eclipse at the same sign and degree and ascension 1.0 started in April 2003 with the node entering Taurus.

Remember that I wrote that in January 2022 we entered ascension2.0 because we started a new cycle. Well, we’re getting a reminder of that cycle’s repeat with the upcoming November eclipse and with Uranus as a prominent driver of the energy, we’re getting the full 5D experience. Uranus rules 5D (and so does Archangel Uriel).

This is not going to arrive without disruption and an interruption of the status quo but we are used to that. For the past 3 years we have had the unique opportunity of experiencing multiple rare and historic energy aspects, including the world’s first Pluto return since 1761. And we also have the Saturn/Uranus square which has been pummeling us for the past two years and this year, the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces which happens every 151 years.

On November 8 we get a repeat of the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction (not exact but close enough), along with all of the other planetary activity and it’s all about divine justice, divine retribution, and divine synergy. That may sound a little menacing but it is not. If you have been doing your work and shining your light, you’re fine. If not, you may want to spend some time on this blog going through the 20 years of articles and podcasts pretty quickly because it’s time for the showdown at the ascension station. It’s long past time to wake up and get out of bed. The alarm has been going off for years and you have hit the snooze button too many times.

If you’re looking for the 5D train to take you to another planet or dimension, you may be disappointed. We are bringing heaven on earth, not destroying the earth so heaven can take over. But we are getting a huge influx of 5D energy with this eclipse cycle and that is completing an energy cycle that started in November 2003, with the previous eclipse at this sign/degree.

Energy cycles are part of our spiritual journey and they mark stages on our path of initiation. Life is, above all, our spiritual pilgrimage and a path of initiation. We do not randomly go through ups and downs, trials and triumphs, experience joy and grief, loss and redemption. We are on a soul mission of ascension and our life is the purpose for that mission. The path of spiritual initiation is our guide to understanding what we’re supposed to be getting out of all of this and how we can proceed as a redo or a reboot.

The energy cycles that appear in the form of planetary activity are our guideposts on our collective ascension journey. A node shift affects everyone in general and then it impacts our individual chart and path according to our unique Astro aspects. On all levels, eclipses interrupt the energy flow and create ascension portals for us to use if this is right for us. We have to make that choice and we get regular opportunities because eclipses always occur in cycles about 19 years apart .

So every 19 years we get a chance to pause in our journey, to review, reconsider, and assess our choices and actions until that moment and then choose to do a re-do and go back to our old ways (with a little forced change) or do a reboot and change everything. If we feel we need to try again we will get that opportunity.

I know it’s tough to be buffeted by this much energy especially when people awaken they are angry, upset, and they are searching for the light. And those of you with an Atlantis history are fearful of a potential disastrous outcome. We have come farther on this ascension path than we ever have before and now we are worried that the end will be a repeat of the past.

I do not think we have anything to worry about but the fear lingers in light of what we see going on in the world. And the eclipse is going to reveal all because what was once hidden and was better off staying in the dark is now revealed. Eclipses light things up and while we may celebrate that on the collective path we are not always so happy about it in our personal lives.

Eclipses can reveal the final truth about a relationship, life situation, life choice, a decision, or a very unwelcome truth, if being welcoming meant holding together the pieces of a fragile situation. They tend to come in with a ‘bull in a china shop’ energy that clears every surface.

Sometimes we need that level of revelation, and sometimes others do, so if there is too much truth out there for you, focus on something else. That truth may not be for you, it may be for someone else. A world must awaken now and the universe cannot be micro-discerning.

The gift of eclipses is a glimpse of new dimensional realities, new higher vibe potentials, new choices and considerations if we have the courage to expand into them. 19 years is nearly one generation so a lot can happen between when the energy cycle begins and when it ends, 19 years later. While the situation may look the same and in this case we’re seeing the beginning of this ascension cycle in 2003 and approaching a new level of the journey.

Do we forge ahead or look back, are we complete or compromised? With Mars in retrograde for the next few months and square the Jupiter/Neptune Pisces conjunction, we also get the benefit of a spiritual reboot. This is a chance to integrate what we have learned before we dash off into new horizons to escape the past. Our choices must be intentional, deliberate, and considered now. We are empowered and enlightened, we have nothing to fear as long as we focus on our energetic sovereignty and divine harmony.

Eclipse cycles remind me of knitting, a hobby I have enjoyed for decades. When you’re knitting a sweater you do not use a single ball of yarn for the whole thing. You knit with one ball of yarn and when you come to the end you join a new ball. Before you make that join though, you have to decide whether you will join at the end so the knot is hidden in the side seam or in the middle where it will not be as strong and it will take extra time to finish the knot and weave in the ends. It is all about choices and decisions, intentions and motivation.

Eclipses do bring chaos but only where it is needed. And whatever we choose in one eclipse cycle, in another 19 years we will have the opportunity to review our choices and try again. As always, it’s about intention, energy boundaries, and our own frequency and vibration that determine what we will choose for ourselves and the consequences we will face.

Understanding the 5 stages of spiritual initiation allow us to move through our life lessons more quickly and achieve enlightenment.

Click here to learn more about how you can design your path to spiritual initiation.

Copyright (c) 2022 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

One thought on “Eclipses – Portals of Choice and Change

  1. I believe that every astrological event, be it an eclipse or mars/mercury retrograde, does not have such a negative effect on people if they know how to process the energy. It’s not so much about what happens as how we react to it. For me personally, eclipses are lessons and a time for self-reflection.

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