Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, March 2, 2016

emotions Third Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: complete, take responsibility

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Matangi, Goddess of the Wind

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: blossom

True Alignments:  true intentions recognized, letting go, peace, worthiness, charisma that makes lasting changes, standing up for or pursuing self expression, the ability to minimize damage, teamwork, recognizing that we are more than our emotions, critical thinking, planning for the future

Catalysts for Change:  overly competitive, overanalyzing and causing stress, struggling, test anxiety, lack of will, judgmental (especially self judgment), abuse of power, propaganda, explosive emotions causing a chain reaction of events, sacrificing too much, deception, comparison to others

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a large white dove bearing a message” (important information offered by Spirit)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (recalibration of human consciousness)

Today’s energetics are hyper-emotional, so we will ride the wave with the intention of looking beyond emotions in order to gain the wisdom that is being offered.  As we do, we will keep in mind these two primary themes, as this month’s “large white dove” continues to send messages:

1- Surrendering a battle What notion or notions need to be given up?  The Sun is discharging the energetic of “a sword, used in many battles, in a museum.”  At its core, this energy involves our will and willpower and where/how we are using it.  Is it being focused on personal ancient history — relics of the past?  This is the year of the shift in the ages, so all things are shifting and transmuting into different things.  If we are holding on tightly to something (particularly old mindsets, attitudes, and expectations), the universe will try hard today to get us to put it down.  Consider the words of Anais Nin:

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

2- Overcoming Perfectly, just what we need to accomplish this (or anything) comes from the Earth at “a powerful statesman overcomes a state of political hysteria” and the Moon at “in winter, people cutting ice from a frozen pond for summer use” making squares with Chiron and Jupiter.  Situations that have become out of control or things that have been carried too far come into view for resolution.  Things can go even farther out of proportion, however, before they begin to resolve.

Gauging our emotions before acting is called for with Mercury discharging the energy of “a garage man (mechanic) testing a car’s battery with a hydrometer.”  This may prove challenging, as we are immersed in the waters of emotion with Jupiter moving to “a swimming race.”  This energy addresses situations, circumstances, and conditions with malfunctions or dysfunctions (things that are not working properly or efficiently or in the highest and best interests of all involved).

To overcome something or make it better, the state of it must first be recognized.  Venus helps us get there, with the energy of “a forest fire quenched.”  We can stop the madness.

Keep in mind that Mars is in the final throes of its transit through Scorpio, significantly adding to the hyper-emotionality of the day.  If anything, astrology shows us that things are temporary.  The energies always change with the changes in the Moon and the stars.  So, if this energy is not to your liking, stick around.  It will change, as it always does.

Mercifully, when Mars moves into Sagittarius on Saturday, March 5, the ugly behavior (especially in politics) will begin to abate and return to a more civilized manner.  Sagittarius is lofty, so the “lowest common denominators”  – the “lowest” behaviors – will fade out to be replaced with higher aims.  Get ready, Archers of Consciousness.

Since the Moon is activating Jupiter and Chiron by making squares (90 degree angles), change is afoot.  Today we are martial artists of the mind — adapting, moving, and transmuting.  Our emotions guide us toward seeing what we need to see to get the message.  We don’t fight our emotions; we understand them as indicators.  Jupiter expands, and Chiron wounds in order to heal and teach, so the spectrum of emotions may be quite wide.  This is all ok when we realize that things are happening in order to facilitate growth.  Change is most easily handled when viewed as growth.

And the Parliament of Wise Owls, the readers of the Oracle Report, is strong and is blooming the Second Renaissance.  How?  e recognize that what we do for ourselves, we do for all, and we act accordingly.  Today, we grow.

Thank you for supporting the Oracle Report – Laura Walker

“End the drama. Return to ease. I broker no interference. No weapon, thought, or word formed against me shall prosper. My brothers stand around me and my sisters are within me. Wisdom, let me attend.” — Mantra for the Defense Against Archontic Intrusion.

SF Source The Oracle Report

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