Blue Spectral Storm

stormDreama Vance – We live in a world of time. We live this time through our experience of cycles. Spring follows winter. Day follows night. We plant and give birth by the cycles of the moon.

Long before the ruckus over whether the world would end in 2012, most of us were introduced to the cyclic calendars of the Maya. They are renowned for their many ways of tracking cycles of time, large expanses of time. Everyone who studied this knew December 21, 2012 was not “the end of time,” but the end of a 26,000 year cycle; and, consequently, the beginning of a new cycle.

This new cycle moves us back towards the light, towards remembering.

For over 5,000 years, cultures all over the world have used a 13-moon, 28-day count calendar. In the time our earth orbits the Sun, our moon has orbited us 13 times. The 13-moon, 28-day count is an ancient, universal, harmonic measure. If you close your eyes and feel this, you will feel the balance with nature that this brings to your being.

The 13 Moon Galactic Calendar has come to us in large part through the teachings and visionary work of Dr. Jose Arguelles.

Each day of this 13 Moon Annual Calendar is synchronized with the 260-day Galactic Overlay. This galactic overlay is composed of 20 solar frequencies, shown as Glyphs, moving in 13-day cycles called Tones, providing a mental and spiritual focus for each day. Using the Glyph and Tone of the day and the code words for each, the calendar shows you how to construct the “Dreamspell Affirmation.”

These affirmations are a focus unifying people in over 90 countries, powerfully activating “global synchronization of our intentions.” The meditation is to be felt through the vibration. It is not meant to be understood by the analytical mind.

This calendar is a beautiful, fascinating work that I have explored and studied for several years now. I love the feel of the natural rhythms and I love to think of thousands of people every day exploring the same energies of higher frequencies through the Glyphs and Tones of the day.

So it is that we come to the title and purpose of this article. The new year of this 13 Moon Galactic Calendar always begins July 26th of the Gregorian calendar. Whatever Glyph and Tone occur on this day set the tone and energies of the new year ahead. Thus from July 26, 2016 we have been in the year of Blue Spectral Storm.

The year of Storm. Who knew we would be battered about like so much flotsam? Have you been through wildly raging emotions? Who knew we could even experience such extremes from ecstatic bliss (the eye of the storm) to the rage of wind and rain as it pummeled us and shook loose every belief we held dear and through which we structured our life?

Having experienced all of this in my own life, I look around and I see it everywhere. I hear others ranting like a crazy person or sobbing that they feel as if a part of their soul has been lost. I look at the elections in the U.S. this past November and observe in shock the vicious attacks being engineered against one person.

The Year of the Storm. Life is a mosaic of pieces. Very much like a jigsaw puzzle we carefully put the pieces together, working to form the picture we hold in our mind. We hold this picture through our belief system. With gale force winds, this year blew through my life and tossed that jigsaw puzzle into a thousand pieces. Every spiritual belief, every understanding of Truth got blown into a whirlwind. Then the rain pounded on it. Lightning lit everything in a flash and thunder rolled over all of it with a roar.

Blue Spectral Storm. I don’t really need to define Storm. Everyone knows and has experienced this energy. Spectral is the Tone of the year. It is number 11 of 13 and the energies are the dynamic of dissonance. How’s that for magnifying Storm energy? Spectral power dissolves, releases, liberates.

So here we are, almost at the end of Blue Spectral Storm. Thank you, God. What a ride it has been! Although I would not want to do it again, there is a small part of me that is sad to see it go. That part of me appreciates what it accomplished.

I stand bedraggled, battered and bruised, my concept of self shaken. As I look around me, I see the jigsaw pieces of the puzzle of my life. I see a new picture that I am to put together. The old concepts have fallen away. The old me is now gone.

Out of Chaos Comes Renewal

Out of chaos comes renewal. Everyone loves the smell of the air after a rainstorm. It is clean, fresh. The earth awakens again. The birds come out to sing. The Sun, as Annie says, does come out tomorrow.

Our new Galactic Year is starting this July 26, 2017.

stormThe new year is called Yellow Crystal Seed. The seeds of renewal. Seeds contain the power of life; the power of potential. We have the power to reseed our creation, our vision of life. Crystal energy brings a model of cooperation and a complex stability. It calls us to universalize, to translate our knowledge and insights, to assist in the elevation of the common good.

After the storm, we are called to rethink, to renew, to reach for a higher understanding. We are called to see the universal picture and our role in the coherent formation of the sacred circle.

The jigsaw puzzle no longer is laid out on the table. It is a moving, living, 3-D model. Like a hologram, it is huge, complex, detailed. It is incredibly beautiful and it is full of light! Watching it move, change, and expand as it reflects my life, thoughts, and beliefs is amazingly exciting.

Choose the seeds you will sow in this new year and let the energies of cooperation and universal synthesis weave together in your own puzzle of life. May you be blessed this new year with flowering and awareness.

Note: If you would like to obtain your own 13Moon Galactic Calendar or learn more, you can visit this site:

SF Source Spiritual Dynamics Jul 2017

2 thoughts on “Blue Spectral Storm

  1. I really loved the mentioning of the Blue….I have caught the Sun doing marvelous Blue blasts take a look at 4skully thats my youtube channel. Looks like a giant projector is the most recent but looks like a cube might show you what is going on at night …peace loved your post!!

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