Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, July 26, 2016

energyDisseminating Moon in Aries/Taurus 11:38 am ET/3:38 am UT: communicate, share

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom):  Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows; Shodashi, Goddess Who Aligns With the Highest and Best

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: take heart; take a leap of faith

True Alignments:  tapping into a higher perspective, facing grief or loss, the test of time, ancient knowledge, family heritage or ancestry providing information, balance, connected, discoveries, creating structure

Catalysts for Change:  stuck, boxed in, misunderstandings, frozen in a trauma response of fear/hopelessness, untapped potential, losing touch, indecisive, fear of taking a chance, going backward, envy, in-filling, edgy

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a very old man facing a vast dark space to the northeast” (facing things)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (transcending)

Take heart, wise owls.  No matter how things appear to be, all roads lead to liberty.

As the concerted effort to maintain a pervasive state of trauma response within the collective of humanity continues, we attend to the wisdom of the Sabian symbol for this solar-lunar year (“the magic carpet of Oriental imagery) and transcend it.  We rise above it, knowing that what we truly are seeing are the death throes of a power and control monster system that has enslaved the hearts, minds, and souls of humanity.

That system is coming to an end, struggling to siphon as much energy as it can to stave off the inevitable.  The system feeds on energy.  Fear, despair, sadness, hopelessness, powerlessness, grief, and loss are favorites.

Let’s feed our energy into the construction of Second Renaissance (the return of wisdom and balance), and the knowledge of a brighter future in process instead of feeding the machine.  It is hard to do.  But if we think about it for what it is, being tricked and duped and “hovered,” we can disengage from it much more easily (and quickly).

Today’s energetics involve:

1- Taking a Leap of Faith, especially with situations that have been in place and seemingly rock solid for a long time.  The Sun is discharging “rock formations tower over a deep canyon.”  This frequency of energy makes going back (backward, back in time, back to business as usual, etc.) very challenging.  The energetic also tends to show us where we may feel backed into a corner or in need of decisions.  Taking a leap of faith is often the solution when this frequency of energy is in effect.

2- Mixing & Rearranging Venus discharges the energetic of “a chemist conducts an experiment for his students.”  Putting things together in different ways and putting new and different things together produces a different outcome or arrangement.  It’s alchemy.  Expanding the field and putting options that we immediately dismissed or could not fathom being possible should be considered.

3- Restoring Balance, especially with our physical bodies if they have been neglected, comes with Mercury at “totally concentrated upon inner spiritual attainment, a man is sitting in a state of complete neglect of his body.”  Listening to our bodies is wise, and connecting with the beauty of Mother Nature, Gaia Sophia, rapidly restores balance.

Though in many ways we are very much like the “very old man facing a vast dark space,” we understand that the darkness is being faced, but we do not remain in that void.  Instead, we look to the vast, untapped potential that can be extracted from that void.  It is the stuff of life — of Creation.

We do not accept that the “new normal” of fear that is trying to be forced upon us.  We see above and beyond, to the truth that darkness is actually abating.  It is always darkness before the dawn.  Dawn rises.

(Note:  The Moon makes opposition with the Black Moon between 4:30 and 6:30 pm ET/ 8:30 pm and 00:30 am UT.  Shadow sides are projected outward and onto others right now while the Moon is in Taurus.  Those with the Sun, Chiron, or Black Moon in Taurus or Scorpio, you are under renovation and whatever is happening is leading you toward a massive rebirth of who you are.)

Thank you for supporting the Oracle Report – Laura Walker

End the drama. Return to ease. I broker no interference. No weapon, thought, or word formed against me shall prosper. My brothers stand around me and my sisters are within me. Wisdom, let me attend.” — Mantra for the Defense Against Archontic Intrusion.

SF Source The Oracle Report

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