Energy Imprints

energy imprintsJennifer Hoffman – Do you ever wonder why you start things in your life and don’t finish them? Why thinking about certain people or situations can make you feel nauseous and anxious? The ‘bad feelings’ arise from the energy echoes of the past, which remind you of painful, traumatic, and challenging situations that you believe you have no control over.

I thought about that when I saw a smudge of lipstick on my bathroom light switch cover. How did that happen? How long had it been there? Had any of it rubbed off on my clothes when I walked by?

I didn’t know the answers to those questions but it made me think about the hidden, unexpected, and lasting impact of energy imprints because they are just like the lipstick on my light switch – I had no idea how it got there, how long it had been there, or whether any of my clothes now had lipstick on them from brushing up against it.

If you can think back to your first heartbreak (and I remember mine very well) you will probably also remember the pain, sadness, and all of the other emotions about that incident. That’s because the situation was very traumatic for you and it left an imprint on your energy field. These imprints are the energy echoes from the past and they have a very real and powerful impact on us in the present. They are a lasting reminder of our pain, sorrow, and hurt and represent our ‘secret sorrows and silent tears’ that we shed in private over past experiences that have wounded us.

How many times in your life have you been disappointed, humiliated, criticized, judged, ignored, insulted, disrespected, or treated badly by someone? Have you ever known someone who would never acknowledge, praise, or validate your efforts, no matter how hard you tried to please them? What do you think that does to your energy? Every one of those incidents leaves an energy imprint that has a frequency and vibration, usually quite low, and that energy echo stays in your energy field.

Over time those painful and traumatic energy imprints become a lot of energy baggage and we notice them when we are ready for a change. Then we have to clear out the imprints, raise their frequency, remove their echoes from our beliefs and thoughts so we can move forward.

Understanding our energy imprints’ presence and power helps us identify them so we can make more positive, uplifting choices and changes now, when the need for transformation is driving us beyond their limitations and into new freedoms and potentials. Energy imprints are stuck in our energy field until we decide to remove them and this video will help you get started on that path.

As you watch the video explaining energy imprints and how that relates to finding lipstick on the light switch, think about the energy echoes in your life. What do they remind you of that you may want to change now? Are there any emotions represented that you may want to transform into a higher vibe?

Copyright (c) 2018 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

SF Source Enlightening Life Nov 2018

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