Planet Earth – Anchor In The Energy Of Love

energySteve Rother – Greetings. I am MerliaI join you this day to share with you more about my other aspects, for I am the feminine version of the Merlin energy. Although the energy has been on your planet before, I have not been here for several reasons. Let me explain first by talking about the masculine side of Merlin and what is now taking place.

Moving backwards in time

As you may know, that aspect of me can move backwards through time. In truth, that is the only way that we can move. Merlin traveled backwards because it provided him a unique perspective that allowed him to perform all sorts of magical feats, which got everyone’s attention so he could deliver a message. The interesting part about it is that so many people tried to emulate him after that. How does one learn to walk backwards in time? What does that even mean?

Actually, you are all about to find out. You have gone through a major shift which is bringing forth a conclusion to a very long story. As we go forward, we will share more about that. The most important part to understand is that you placed yourself here for a very specific reason.

You are here at this exact junction of time and space, because that was incredibly important to you. In truth, many of you are in back up plans. What does that mean? Well, you had parents and a family all picked out with contracts that you were scheduled to begin. However, something happened and you had to wait another generation, which would be too long.

It was so important for you to be here now that about 20% of the planet is actually living out a back-up plan. This often means that you have a different set of parents than originally chosen and different contracts. This often makes them feel completely like outcasts, as if they do not belong. The sad part is that many have become accustomed to that. Yet here you are awakening every day with a new energy. You feel it is shifting and changing at the speed of love, which is substantially faster than the speed of light. Well, here you go but what is actually taking place on Earth right now?

A density that causes fear

Well, it is obvious that all sorts of things are taking place. In the area of politics the amount of changes that are taking place globally are quite interesting. It is a fascinating process, because there is a density on Earth which is causing people an incredible amount of fear.

There has been low-level fear for a long time already. What happens when a human carries a level o fear? Perhaps they say, “Oh, I can kick that. I will just keep a stiff upper lip and walk forward. I can just move through it.” Well, you have tried that. Many of you worked in different ways just to figure out which is the easiest part for you to fill that energy.

Ever since Merlin showed up on your planet and that part of me integrated with humans, the experience left an impression that one could move backwards in time. Unfortunately that is simply not possible for humans. Here is the interesting part, because there is only one piece of time that is real and that is right now.

The future only represents a potential. No one can actually live there, although often people attempt to live in their past. It is only a memory, but it can be changed as well. We have given you many modalities that do exactly that—help you to re-set your vibration and energy. Now, here is the biggest challenge that Lightworkers on planet Earth are experiencing right now.

You wanted to be here right now to bring in a gentle, calming energy

When the energy becomes very dense, people fall into fear. They carry that low-level fear until it reaches a critical mass level and then they explode. Often that explosion is anger and sometimes it is acting out. It may be when you are told you cannot do something, so you go ahead and do it anyway. It brings out the contrarian in almost everyone to some degree and that is what you are seeing on your planet in very big ways globally…not in one city, not in one country, but globally.

The energy of density is so hard right now that people cannot  find their way or lean against those comfortable spaces that they used to use to rejuvenate. That’s why you will see more and more people acting out. We would love to tell you that this is going to come to an end, and it will at some point, but it is going  to be a while. Many of you signed up specifically to be here at this moment so that you could be a part of this gentle energy, calming every heart so that they can receive the upgrades and the light from Home.

Now, the good news is that humanity has been moving at incredible paces especially the last eight years. The vibrational rate has been absolutely astounding. Yes, it is incredible and getting even better so watch for this as it continues. But here is the challenge. When “normal” people feel density or an energetic roadblock, the very first thing that happens is they step backwards.

Everyone may experience different aspects as well, not just the physical aspect of running into a wall or having your path blocked. This is often about things that you wanted to do. Perhaps you want to create something or move in a certain direction, but you seem to be blocked. It does not seem to work out, which adds to that frustration level. That in turn adds to the anger, increasingly adding to the overall anger levels of planet Earth. However, you also step back emotionally and in thought patterns.

Fear causes you to step back into old believe systems

We have told you before that most belief systems are BS, which is why we call them belief systems. It is not the beliefs that concern us, it is that you take these entire systems as fact. So, if you have a core belief it means that you must believe all these other things around it as well. That can be problematic and is what actually separates those who are searching for the light.

Over here you call it one thing such as religion, over there you call it another. It helps to segregate these so that you can relate to them personally, but now that separation is something is starting to get in the way. What happens when people fall into fear? They take a step back just like hitting that wall. If you are having an emotional crisis, you will take a step back into those emotions you were experiencing two or three days before.

Whatever that safety zone was, you will instinctively try to put yourself back into that so your belief systems are exactly the same. Perhaps you even evolved past an old belief system into something new that you were working with or trying on, then again you hit that wall. You try to accomplish exactly what you accomplished before thinking to yourself, “This used to be successful for me, so why isn’t it now?” That is the challenge that is now taking place on Earth. The news that we have for you is that it is not possible to go back into belief systems and the timeline, even in the physical body.

We will be talking about rejuvenation, but that is quite different from time. Rejuvenation is adjusting the cells and the intricacies of your body. Time itself is movable, expandable and contactable, though not to the degree you would like to be able to walk backwards in time. So, what we are going to ask everyone to do is to simply be aware  of taking any steps back into old belief systems, patterns such as addiction, or ways of feeling such as trying to fill an emotional need.. As soon as you can honestly see and acknowledge it, the system starts to dissipate all by itself.

Why we tell you every time:  Treat each other with respect and play well together

There are many modalities that can help clear your energy field. There are many healers on the planet right now for that very reason. We also tell you, the healers on planet Earth are going to increase. They are being called in at an incredible pace and the E family is now here in a very large perspective.

The E Family was very small in the beginning, when they were all about working with people to try to empower them. The E stands for much more than just empowerment, but that is part of it. They work together incarnating in a society—sometimes even Earth—at critical points when a decision is being made about going one direction or the other. And you would be there. Not to push it into one direction or another but to make sure that the human rights were there, because that is what allows you to evolve…your equality.

Treating each other, just like each other, which is what we tell you every time we leave you. Nurture one another and play well together. That is becoming more critical now than ever before. Your planet is in a state of constant separation and it is your job to slow it down. That is why you came and what this is about. Welcome Home. You are creating a whole new energy right here on planet Earth and it is yours.

The Family of E is here to help harmonize society

Now we have told you before there are so many beautiful things coming. Please understand there is no backwards movement on the timeline. You are constantly in the now moment. Awaken to that moment and take everything that it has to give you. Know that even though you may revisit it again (because it is actually circular time, not linear) if you make the most out of this moment right now, then at the point it does come around again you will have very little work to do. It will be a support instead of a detractor.

You are planting the seeds of your own future with your thoughts. Keep it up. Now, all the rest is starting in very important ways and you are starting to see a huge collection of energy on Earth. It is actually in some ways causing some of the disruptions and upheavals, but you know how to deal with it. You have seen this before; you have been there to help societies harmonize.

That is the one big thing that is missing from planet Earth right now, for everyone is in this fear. Re-member, as soon as you step into fear you separate. Just look at all the political things that are happening and it is easy to see that most of them have been about separation rather than unity. We also tell you, you are right at the precipice of changing that direction. The recessional wave came in very hard but it also means that when it turns around, it will also jump and move very quickly as well. And that is your work. It is what all of you have been working with and we could not be more proud of you for that.

You can only move forward

So know to move forward is the key especially in things like relationships. All relationships—whether it be a relationship you have with your dog, cat or your wife, your lover, whoever it is, you never can move backwards. You may want to think that, “Oh, we will go back to the times when we first got married. We will go back to the times when things were so fun for us. We did not care if we had problems or not.”

You do things to actually try to put you back in those timeframes. Does it work? Never. You can only move forward. Now, that is the good news. Relationships go through these different levels of incarnation and during those times when they are moving through the levels is usually when they tend to break apart. They find more differences than similarities, so they start to move apart in different ways.

Know that coming back together does not mean stepping back. If you are going to come back together with someone, it means you build up something moving forward. Very simple. Create your reality of things that you want to see in your future not holding them back by your past. Your past is only a memory, so when you are ready you can let go of every part of it.

We honor you in ways you do not know. You are leading the universe. You are at a critical junction of time and space where you are making decisions that are going to affect more beings than you have numbers for. Keep up the good work. Know that we are right behind you. It is with the greatest of honor that I ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity. Play well together. I am Merlia, come up and see me sometime.


The group

The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting : “Thank You for Taking Your Power”

SF Source Beacons of Light  May 2017

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