The Bouillon Cube

William (Bill) Phelps – We know or need to know that we exist in a Field of Pure Potentiality which is named by many different descriptions.  We are shielded from this knowingness by the Veil as we are experiencing the realm of 3D.  Currently we are seeing rapid changes occurring throughout the world, as the Wave of Upgrading Energy passes through the Universe, which was marked by the December 21, 2012 date.

As the inevitable shift from the Old Energy/Old Paradigm to the New Energy/New Paradigm impacts each and everyone of us, we must realize the importance of allowing this to happen in our own beingness.  In other words, we need to become more observers of the change and less participants in the dramas of the Old Energy.

When we learn to do this well we will experience more of all the the attributes we hear about when at peace with Spirit.  This is the process of moving out of Fear and into Love.

energyThis is where the bouillon cube comes in.  For a moment imagine a bouillon cube in a bowl of water.  Think of the water as the infinite Field of Pure Potentiality.   As you observe the bouillon cube over time, the edges first begin to soften.  Further along, you will see a cloud from the cube beginning to move out into the water.  Eventually the entire cube becomes one with the water.  Completely dispersed into the water.

This is much like the experience of becoming whole or returning to the Infinite Awareness we left to experience the realm of 3D.  When we meditate, or other wise ponder our life experience by finding our inner quiet, we will begin to have those moments of feeling the unbounded joy of being a part of Creation.  This is the gentleness of the Field softening us so that we begin to first feel then experience who we really are.

This is the beginning of a liberation from fear and all the drama of blindly thrashing through our daily lives.  Something better was promised to us.  We must take the first step into the realm of Truth.  The Truth will set us free to experience our true sovereignty as Beings of Light.  The entry way is within ourselves.  We must find the route to our inner quiet, where the conscious mind can be momentarily disengaged.

We have all had the experience of an epiphany, where the answer to something we were struggling with came to us with all clarity.  Usually, this is after thinking about it intensely and then letting it go for a period of time.  We can have this experience regularly in our daily lives by finding a time to be quiet.  If you are not sure how, ask your Higher Self to assist you.  You will be pleasantly surprised by the synchronistic happenings that bring you help.  Don’t miss it by being too busy to notice.

Thank you for spending a moment reading my blog.  Until next time remember:

“Truth is living congruently(heart coherently) with an openness to all possibilities.”

SF Source Human Energy Dynamics Sep 2018

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