How To Find Peace With Your Mind

“There is only one thing more powerful than all the armies of the world, that is an idea whose time has come.” – Victor Hugo

The mind is always busy thinking. It’s continuously planning, pretending, yearning, wishing, hoping and scheming for things to be better than what they are. The mind is basically active creating something about 99% of your life, looking into the past and future, trying to figure out how it can get exactly what it wants. The interesting thing is that the mind doesn’t realize that there is the most glorious amazing gift of bliss available if it can simply remain present to the here and now.

If you have ever tried to hold the mind in the now, you’ll notice that it instantly slips onto something else the moment you try holding it there. The mind likes to remain the master over your life. It likes to tell you what to do, where to go and how to get there. It doesn’t understand one very key thing. That it simply cannot remain in control when its brought into the now.

The mind is amazing at analyzing everything and is a great movie machine for projecting what’s going to happen next. The mind loves interpreting what has just happened and labeling it. Back and forth, it does these mega-google searches in the past and future, day and night, all year long, all lifetime long. Now you can understand why you may be tired at the end of the day.

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you the master of your mind? What would it be like to be free from the mind? If you were 100% aware of your thoughts, at peace with each thought that arises and be able to observe and not react to it, what would that be like?

What would you have to say NO to, to find total harmony with the 60,000 thoughts that are flying through your brain everyday. If you really want to experience this, start with becoming an observe-a-holic. Start to practice relaxing deeply into your body and watching where the mind is going and what is its agenda. Very soon you’ll discover how to trust yourself and not the mind. This very knowing is what will lead you into an outrageous freedom.

If the mind was a real thing, we could train it and then we’d feel safe, secure and happy. Yet, in reality there is no actual mind that exists to be trained. There are just thoughts passing through your awareness. If you try to train your mind, you’ll have to constantly control it, like an elephant on a leash that has not been potty-trained yet. This will create all sorts of problems. The need to control the mind creates tension, a feeling of being on the verge of chaos, indecision, which leaves you feeling scattered, insecure and uncentered at the end of the day.

If you want to “control” this wild beast there is only one thing you can do. Listening to the silence beneath the mind. Your relentless mind chatter will soon be calm and at peace. Only through relaxing into an unfocused space that is deepening in silence and stillness, will your mind will relax, find peace and be of service to you.

You must create a feeling of timelessness in order for true silence to move into you. In this silence, the mind will bow down to you, become a disciple of you, listen to you and obey your command.

To find true freedom in this lifetime you must master this experience called “your mind”. When the mind becomes your greatest devote and is a true disciple of you, then you can experience the totally liberated divine spirit that you are and bask in the peaceful essence of your very being within every moment of life.

“Man can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown.” – Claude Bernard

Start to master your mind today by being curious about one thing. Be aware when you are having a thought and when you’re having an experience. This means noticing when you’re thinking about having an experience of life, verses when you’re actually having an experience of life. Pay close attention here and really notice the difference.

This simple ancient Jedi mind trick brings you one step closer to finding the source and conscious essence of your being. It lets you drink from the erotic juice of the sparkling being that you are, and let you know how you are beyond your mind, nor your thoughts, nor your body.

This consciousness is what absorbs the mind and releases it from it’s prison so that you are free from it. Take this moment right now to choose to be aware of your awareness, which is aware of your thoughts, ideas, actions and forms.

Being aware of each thought the mind is having, suddenly life becomes profoundly deep, intensely powerful and extremely meaningful. Only from this space of pure untainted awareness, can your total being become alive!

In this space you’ll find a cosmic silence in which you’ll discover true freedom. The mind cannot find it, only the silencing of it allows for the discovery of it. If you want to rid of all chaos in your life, dive completely into this silence for 45 minutes a day.

You’ll find an end to the endless mind chatter in total silence of heart and stillness of the mind and breath. It is the secret to total freedom from the mind. Once you are willing to absorb this silence, then you will find a greater experience of freedom than you’ve ever imagined before. The day silence has been made your home, the mind will begin to relax and freedom will be your every breath.

“Not only does God play dice, but… he sometimes throws them where they cannot be seen.” – Stephen W. Hawking

An overflowing abundance of peace, love and prosperity consciousness is already inside you. This is the ultimate freedom, and it is available now. There is no need to look outside your body for it. Stop what you’re doing…and just look inside.

Look beneath your socialized conditioning and mental chatter that the mind gets wrapped up in. Unravel yourself. You get to know that ever-flowing current of peace which is beneath the fear. Only if you truly dive to your core will you find it. It has always been here…always. This is the divine being that you are and total freedom is your most natural response to it.

SF Source Jafree Ozwald November 28 2013

One thought on “How To Find Peace With Your Mind

  1. I’m not sure why anyone would want to celebrate “the mind” (except for the pushers). In this incarnation experience, a darling light body of organic quality jumps into a bottle of synthetic manipulation to be tied down, hypnotized, and released to coerce, manipulate and exploit it’s downline family, friends, and associates.
    Maybe a more detailed description of “the mind” should include the foundations of who or what created it and what are the intentions. “The (reptilian) mind” is not organic to light beings. It is foisted upon a naive civilization by an alien intelligence who’s committed to separation from organic light.
    Clearly, “the mind” leads the world to it’s present state. What alternatives to experiencing consciousness are available? The conscious awareness has a choice to engage the reptilian mind, mammalian mind, or heart mind in its choices and decisions for experiencing consciousness.
    For a continuing discussion of this understanding, visit

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