You Are Truly Miraculous

Jafree Ozwald May 19 2014

“You live, you love, you lose, you learn, and someday you might laugh.” ~ Anonymous

flower_orchid2There is something quite magical happening inside you. It’s perhaps more amazing than the mind can conceive. It seems so normal, so obvious and natural that you might overlook it.

Right now, there are thousands of processes happening in your body that are keeping your heart beating, your hair growing, your teeth from decaying and your body able to relax and sleep at night. Your body is pumping blood to trillions of cells, bringing the oxygen of life to them all. Billions of brain cells are being engaged right now by just reading this message! In this moment as you sitting here reading and understanding these words, your lungs are breathing new life into you.

This life you’re experiencing is truly a miraculous event.

When you take a moment to realize the amazing things that are occurring inside, you begin to acknowledge the divinity behind it all. When you stop to appreciate all the little things that you take for granted, you begin to take on a deeper meaning for your existence.

Everything that is happening is a miracle. You have the gift of thinking and perceiving right now. One day it will be gone.

How often do you appreciate this air that gives you life? Your body and mind are so precious, so take this time to truly enjoy living in them. This appreciation is your vehicle for realizing the divinity within all things, especially YOU!

The invitation for you is to see how much can you truly enjoy this amazing bodymind you’re living in. What if the main purpose of your life was to simply be fully alive, available to this present moment and completely loving what all is happening here and now? How would you live your life differently?

Life is like a game of darts where the bullseye target is being fully here in this NOW moment. This is where the Divinity is to be found. When you take your eye off the target for an instant, you miss the goal completely. The translation of the word “sin” means to miss the target. When you are focused on fully being here now, you can trust life, relax, and hit the target each time.

“One must have chaos in oneself in order to give birth to a dancing star.” ~Friedrich Nietzsche

Just for today, listen and look for this miraculous being inside you. This is who you truly are and is deeply intimately connected the Divine. When you acknowledge that your life IS a miracle then your every encounter with the world becomes an interaction with the Divine. You’ll start to hear these subtle messages from the Universe that guide you through the matrix of life and show you how you truly are a miraculous being.

When you deeply appreciate your body as it is, and everything happening within it, you start seeing that everything outside your body is also a miracle. This is the magical source of living and the Divine connection becomes your everyday experience of life.

Jafree Ozwald

If you would like assistance in raising your Divine Financial Frequency we have created our 3 Manifesting Money Meditations program. Please take a look if you’re drawn to do so.

One thought on “You Are Truly Miraculous

  1. We are Immortals living in a body. Forever Thinking and Perceiving. It can never be gone. It always was and it always will be.

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