Fighting – Easier To Win When You Choose The Time And Place

The Jeenyus Corner | January 17 2013

Part Five in a series – “Solutions from the Opposite Consciousness”

Barack ObamaThe time has long since passed to treat the US federal government for what it is: an illegitimate criminal cartel. Yes I know that reads like some outrageous hyperbole, but if you will not accept this reality, then read no further, you’ll get nothing useful.

For the rest…

We’re being backed into a corner for a fight that Americans have been trying to ignore.

This is our last opportunity to prevent the violence and I implore all Americans who read this to think carefully. Do some research and look outside of the control grid of corporate media. The criminals who run this government are arming and preparing for a civil war that they themselves are instigating. This is not about political differences or sour grapes over an election loss; BOTH parties are complicit in these crimes.

You will not find any of the following easily verified items of fact in the corporate controlled media. That most people cannot connect the dots is a part and parcel of the deception but it doesn’t mean these facts don’t exist or are unimportant.

No longer recognizing any limitations on its powers, the US federal government has assumed the unlawful authority to murder or imprison American citizens without trial. This is happening right now as you read this.

These thugs have armed their employees for war against the American people, spending over $2.6 billion on militarizing local police departments. Including weapons with no legitimate law enforcement use such as tanks, mortars, full auto machine guns, explosives and missiles – all for use against civilian populations here in the US. Federal agencies with no law enforcement function have purchased BILLIONS of rounds of anti-personnel ammunition. Not training bullets, ANTI-PERSONNEL ammunition.

This government freely admits to illegally using psychological warfare against its own citizens. It admits to manipulating social media and planting stories in the corporate controlled media to affect public opinion. Its a matter of public record that it has staged false events to move public opinion.

That your life may carry on comfortably while not noticing, or that this doesn’t yet affect you directly is irrelevant. It is real and many Americans are beginning to recognize it.

The millions of firearms being purchased in record numbers over the last four plus years is only one indicator. Congress has consistently held approval ratings in the single digits and the current administration was elected by a minority of the eligible voters. Mostly ignored by the controlled press was President Obama’s “winning” of 61,140,297 ballots from among 207,643,594 eligible voters, clearly indicating that almost ¾ of the citizenry refused to grant legitimacy to this government.

An undeniable fact of life that you may not be aware of, but believe me the criminals are, is this: ALL governance is by consent of the governed. There is NO avoiding this, as the State is never more than a tiny percentage of the total populace. The entire system relies on our cooperation.

Careful analysis concludes that when taken in context, this is not voter apathy as the system would have you accept, its deliberate intent by the people. They no longer trust their government and are withdrawing their consent.

Let’s look at some more facts that are also overlooked by the controlled media.

Ranchers allow their cattle to free range so that the herd never realizes they aren’t free. It makes the livestock more productive and profitable for the rancher. Similarly, Americans falsely believe they too are “free” as we’re told to vote every four years to grant legitimacy to whichever puppet happens to be the tool of the moment. We may change employment, or choose not to be employed. All of the human chattel is productive to the system – even those on public assistance as they reliably vote for ever more government.

Americans have started to wake up to the reality that despite changes in politicians and parties, they really don’t make any meaningful differences to the system.

The criminals are aware that more and more are understanding the true nature of the system. The internet has circumvented the control grid of the corporate media. Soon, en masse, the American people will begin to demand accountability for their crimes as the mathematically unavoidable end of the paper dollar becomes impossible to conceal.

There is no other possible cause for the actions of this criminal government. Remember that rancher and his cattle? The cowboy doesn’t fear the docile herd, slowly making its way to slaughter. He fears the stampede.

Or does he?

Thanks to the internet, we know who this President is, and if you carefully study his background, and the political ideology and philosophies of who his mentors and teachers were, we can see what is going on. In past works, I have outlined Hegelian Dialectic, Problem/Reaction/Solution, fear and scarcity based memes and other tricks contained in the societal manipulation playbook. I also pointed out that when all else fails, the control system usually goes to war.

Remember this as you think for yourself and draw your own conclusions here: ANYTHING the system lets you know is NOT because of some great reporter and his ‘scoop’ or a brave insider who leaks something revealing. Its solely because the system WANTS you to know. Sure, occasionally some truth gets out but keep in mind who these people are and how they operate.

Out of chaos – order.

With unlimited budgets, think tanks like Tavistock use the science of psychology to figure out endless ways of using the mind of the oppressed as the greatest tool of oppression. So how to counter this mass awakening? They use the very tools of that mass awakening against us; THEY use opposite consciousness!

Not with misinformation or false news – no, that’s too easy to spot. The news we hear about armed buildups and FEMA camps is all true. It has to be if its going to be an effective tool of fear. But if these criminals are intent on fomenting a war, they must have an ‘enemy’ and this Islamic boogey man thing isn’t working anymore. So enter the American patriot.

False flag attacks have less effect than they once did and again, that Fast and Furious is known is only because they WANT IT KNOWN. So while we’re looking at the one hand, what’s the other been doing?

The administration is talking gun control. But this President for all his cries about “there’s nothing he can do without Congress” is lying through his teeth.

  • Obama with an Executive Order on the day after he was re-elected could have implemented background checks at gun shows for private sales. A ‘loophole’ his supporters have been moaning about for years. Even after the school shootings. He didn’t.
  • Online sales of weapons and ammunition continue, but again, the President with an Executive Order could have stopped this. He hasn’t.
  • The incredible sales of guns in the tens of millions could have been slowed greatly with an Executive Order, but none have come.

What this President has done is ratchet up the rhetoric about the American ‘gun culture’ and announce a committee, with another well known anti gun politician, Joe Biden as chair. The controlled media has dutifully been crowing about how this is going to stop the carnage.

However this is not your normal DC game of charades.

What has happened is the best thing ever to the firearms industry. More so since putting a “call to action” by announcing a deadline on the Vice President’s committee. Everyone and his mother is running off to purchase AR style rifles, pistols, magazines, and ammunition faster than the stores can keep it on the shelves before the ‘guvmint’ declares them illegal.

What’s really going on?

The ground is fertile for armed confrontation and purposely so. By provoking this run on weapons and ammunition, allowing inflammatory information into the public sphere and taking a very confrontational stance against those who do see what is going on, this government has created circumstances where as many citizens as possible are armed, well supplied and motivated at a time when the employees of government as also as well armed as they have ever been domestically. This is not by accident.

What do we do before the next false flag attack designed to place maximum blame on patriots? One to then justify further gun restrictions which will spark the start of Civil War II? We MUST be proactive. We must be firm. In the last installment I spoke of ensuring the minions of the State understand they (and possibly even their families) cannot possible hope to survive a guerrilla war waged against the American people. But we must do more.

This sounds like it’s not opposite conciseness, but it is.

Those of us who understand must quickly contact our elected Congressmen and US Senators and let them know in no uncertain terms: ANY legislation passed restricting our rights will not be complied with. You’re not meekly contacting a member of the Congress, to ask nicely that they vote this way or that. You’re not participating in that pointless system. NO, you’re TELLING them that you refuse to comply with laws that go against your rights. You tell them: ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ!

These hacks need to know, any vote for confiscation of privately held weapons WILL spark Civil War II and it will have been THEIR vote that did so. Always keep in mind that they NEED you to participate and if we simply say no, what can they do?

The police DO NOT maintain order. Society is self regulating. It always has been, and always will. The police can only come after a crime has been committed. If we as a people, simply refuse to comply, then their authority is moot. And before the naysayers start: it has worked before.

Prohibition, the War on Drugs, the waste of human life… all lie as stark proof that government cannot decree things and make them happen.

More opposite consciousness solutions coming up next in the series conclusion.

9 thoughts on “Fighting – Easier To Win When You Choose The Time And Place

  1. He absolutely speaks the truth, and really ALL the governments are the same and all connected – we joined the dots some 30+ years ago. Whilst for some this will be a revelation and for others it will still be the stuff of fiction [ for many still slumber] many others will say ” I know yeah ..”

    Will I am, like us will not be creating the reality in the article, for others it will be their path, for whatever reason, they choose. We hope though that the majority of those ” awake ‘ are able to acknowledge the awakening of others, and stay in a place of love and peace whilst supporting those in terror to do the same, stay in peace and love, and not buy into this game.

    It has been said already here where the focus goes , energy flows. WE ARE CREATING a new earth, and yes we have to be cognoscente of all things to enable empathy and understanding but, we need to be OF it but not IN it. We must focus our energy, our vision on a peaceful harmonious earth , of collaboration, truth, joy, love and bliss. Whilst doing so we need to live our lives by those same values and practices. If we want collaboration then WE each and everyone of us need to collaborate, we need to be truthful, peaceful , generous, harmonious and the world will change. Switch off the TVs and stop buying main stream media.

    We are experiencing a significant shift in focus and frequency – some energies are escalating their plan -however the magicians majick is not spell binding when you can see the smoke and mirrors and what is up their sleeves. Lets reveal the trick, and still not fear the majician for it is all truly an illusion and we are beautiful masters of light sound and color and able to manifest a harmonious and loving earth.

    Thanks to all of you who share truth to sound the alarm call to wake up and to all those who share love and peace and live their truth, thereby collaborating to create a beautiful world.

    Rita and Phil Soundbeings

  2. Jeezus! I really am laboring about how I feel
    about what Erik is presenting here. On one hand
    what he is conveying is a potential reality….my
    question is : Do I want it to be mine? If….the time
    has come in this new Earth that, we are told that
    WE are creating, then I have to ask if the potential
    scenarios that can come from this line of creation
    are right for me. While I can see the truth of Erik’s
    perceptions of the reality he is expressing here,
    there is a flag going off inside of me yelling at
    me something like…”you will attract what you
    give your attention to….or…is this the reality you
    want to be codependent in creating?? As
    much as my trauma drama past can relate to
    this fear based scenario…. I have to say NO, this
    is a detraction from the reality I am creating and
    see it as a distraction…a waste of my focus
    and energy. I am sure the “Civil War 2” is and will
    be in some peoples reality….thanks but, no thanks
    not mine.
    InLight and LOVE… Will I am

    1. Choice is the gift of First Cause to Its creation. Free will choice. And in a free will universe ALL IS ALLOWED. Thanks for your perspicacious comment. Hugs, G

      1. Gee G! I wasn’t sure how to take
        your reply until I got the ol’
        dictionary out and looked up
        perspicacious….I won’t spoil
        the adventure of others looking
        it up by giving the definition…
        but thanks, and I am glad I have an Oxford at hand!
        Will I am

    2. That is a very valid point, WIAm. I guess it all depends on whether or not a person believes we have to disassemble Old Earth first in order to build New Earth. I live my daily life as though there is no outside world at all. It’s only when I tune in and turn to the Internet that I discover, to my utter shock and dismay (!) that the dark ones are still making mischief and rattling their sabers in a world I do not participate in myself. So which dimension do I inhabit? I think we all have a foot in both worlds at this point in the game, like it or not.

  3. Old world mentality old world thinking ! Generations they come & go… It changes & so do we that’s enevitable.. You can’t keep the past in the present !

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