This Is The True Root Of Difficulty

eternalVeronica – As you are part of the earth experience, so you are part of an eternal one as well. It is easy to get extremely focused upon the daily dramas. Often they can become larger than intended. A fog of discontent can alter the pure essence of your energy into a diluted representation of who you really are.

This is the true root of difficulty while incarnated. All experience in the physical that envelopes you can become the core focus. In that focus, entanglement in episodes of nonsensical drama can spin one about until the dizziness overwhelms your perspective.

All who read this have experienced this dilemma. Periods of depression , disillusion, and self loathing are products of that “dizzy moment”.

When faced with such things, it is important to keep your core focused upon the eternal. Whatever dramatic is unfolding, the knowledge that it is indeed a small piece of the larger life cycle is important.

Do not allow yourself to slip into a focus of chaos. Whatever occurs, remain focused on your higher perspective.

In your thoughts, visualize a huge puzzle. The goal being to put all the pieces together to create the final image.

All the pieces are necessary to complete the journey. Not all pieces are easily assembled. It is often important to step back and view the entire puzzle parameters to determine where to put the piece.

By focusing on just the one piece, the process of completing the puzzle can become tedious or seemingly impossible.

If you are experiencing difficulty this day, remember to take a step back and review the eternal moment.

View the entire essence of yourself. You will find the masterpiece of your soul awaiting acknowledgment.

Perhaps then you can view this one dramatic puzzle piece and realize it is indeed a small one.

It is a piece of the whole. It is not your full definition. Seek to put it in its place and continue towards the bigger eternal picture.

Every experience, every drama, every breath you take, is leading you to the discovery of yourself. Your place in the big picture is the most important perspective.

Stay focused eternally.

It will aid your progress and minimize the dizzy moment.

SF Source April Crawford  Inner Whispers  Oct 2015

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