The European Union, Cognitive Dissonance And The Gotthard Tunnel

Katherine Frisk – In this ever-changing world with a kaleidoscope of disinformation, fake news, and cognitively dissonant “facts,” each and every one of us needs to step back from the circus.

Stand back from protests of all kinds engineered and organized by George Soros Open Society Foundations  –color revolutions and regime change– used to distract us from reality.

It is time to decide for ourselves what we believe in, what we stand for and what we are prepared to fight for.

The 21st century is not for sissies, and unless we equip ourselves with the best knowledge available, we will be swept along on a tide of deceit and into our own slavery through complacency and ostrich syndrome.

Our biggest challenge to my mind, is to understand how everything has two opposing philosophies that become so intertwined that we cannot discern the difference, and when we do become aware of the opposing contradictory nature of the information that is presented to us, we are told to either accept it on faith, or because some university professor said so, or the all time favourite, “scientific evidence.”

And you go, “but… but.. but…” and invariably doubt your own instincts because after all, “experts” know better than you right? The result is a society suffering from severe cognitive dissonance that can be easily manipulated and herded into a corral of somebody else’s making wherein we shall be enslaved.

…the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change.

This game has been played out for centuries. It is commonly called “black magic,” mind control and propaganda. Or the most contemporary acronym, “Fake News.”

Where the complete opposite of our original beliefs, morals and values is presented to us as appealing and desirable while what we actually should be standing for is presented as a crime against society.

Here is one glaring example. Anyone who disagrees with the crimes committed by Tel Aviv against the Palestinian people, is labeled anti – Semitic. But the truth of the matter is that the Palestinians are Semites whereas a large majority of the Jews in Tel Aviv today, are Eastern European from Khazar extraction who converted to Babylonian Talmudic Judaism in the 8th century A.D. Opposing a corrupt, Apartheid police state guilty of illegal land occupation on the West Bank and war crimes in Gaza does not make you anti – Semitic.

As another example take a look at my banking card. I stopped using it to pay for things some time ago and instead withdrew cash and paid for everything that way. The bank charges on one cash withdrawal were dramatically less than the bank charges every time I used my card.  It was and is theft in anybody’s language. But we have been brainwashed into believing that is it safer to use the bank card because of crime and often the banks give incentives every time you use your card.

But like casinos, the bank always wins. The bank charges never equal the same benefits of any incentives given. But nobody dare call them out for theft. Instead we find all sorts of other ways to justify our behaviour and continue to allow them to steal our money. The Libor scandal should have been an international wake up call. We have all been robbed through manipulation of interest rates, no matter what country you live in. They have in effect, pilfered trillions from western banking system accounts.

Cognitive dissonanceNow they want to force a cashless society on us, the excuse is money laundering, narcotics and crime. But the reality is that they will herd you into a corner where you have no other options and you will be forced to pay them a surcharge on every transaction that you make.

As for competitive rates, in this ever-increasing corporate fascist world that we live in where real capitalism with competition and checks and balances against monopolies is fast disappearing, these corporate fascist entities that now control over 40% of the world’s economy collude together and set rates and prices and basically sheer the herd of all their disposable income in any way that they can.

A good idea that was and is beneficial to all, bank cards and Internet banking which has dramatically changed society in the last twenty years and improved our lives , has been overtaken by a corrupt and criminal ideology.

In the old days you had to stand in banking queues at the end of every month and physically go and pay your bills. This was time-consuming. What is more, you could only draw money at the bank branch where you had an account. You could not draw money in any other part of the country without a long process of filling out forms and time delays, let alone in another country.

People who remember the old banking system, my generation, embraced banking cards and Internet banking with open arms. It was a liberation….. at first. But by slow increments it has become day light robbery and enslavement. That is the nature of black magic. It comes in, pretends to be who it is not, and then overtakes the system.

When the Gotthard Tunnel was opened in 2016, the world was presented with a diabolical ceremony that if anything elicited disgust world-wide.

What they were watching was an adapted production of The Bacchae,  a play written by Euripides in 405 B.C.

The point I am making here, is that black magic, propaganda and mind control are not only relevant to the 21st century, but have been part of our system since recorded history. The Bacchae is just as relevant today as it was 2, 400 years ago. It is a very good example of evil overtaking good and the resulting consequences.

Euripides came from Athens and was often at odds and in rivalry with Thebes.  Thebes refused to acknowledge the god Dionysus, who was a god of the wine harvest and a son of Zeus. Euripides exacted his revenge through literature and the resulting fall of Thebes long after his death was the result.

Originally Dionysus was not the debauched “devil” that he is portrayed as today, nor was he in the original Greek myths.

What Euripides did was give Thebes what they asked for, he wrote a play where Dionysus embodies everything that is considered corrupt and bestial in human nature, quite the opposite of how the original “god” was worshiped. The play was performed in Thebes and became part of the yearly play cycles presented in the city. Through time and repeated presentations, the concepts of The Bacchae entered the psyche of the Thebans and led to the downfall of their society. The “good – bad god,” became one and the same thing creating cognitive dissonant thinking.

Presenting The Bacchae at the opening of the Gotthard Tunnel in Europe is both art imitating life and life imitating art. It is a reflection on what European society has become. The homosexuality and child sex abuse in the Catholic Church, child sex trafficking amongst the wealthy and influential,  human trafficking, the “normalization” of bestiality, the complete breakdown of the family structure and Satanist practices was glorified in the opening ceremony in 2016.

This does not augur well for the European Union and if Thebes is anything to go by, their demise is imminent. Negativity is a one way street, it always caves in on itself. Europe has become a macabre cesspit of civilizational degradation in rotting old cities steeped in spilt blood over centuries.

societyIn conjunction with a morally and socially decrepit society, Europe has become a unipolar state with the European parliament in Brussels, a similar design to the tower of Babylon.

This parliament is not elected by or representative of the people of Europe, but is appointed by the banks and corporations and passes laws to their benefit. These banks and corporations unlike the people of Europe are above the law and any motion made to curtail their criminal and illegal activities is mere window dressing.

Deutche Bank as one example, which has been involved in gold price rigging, money laundering and currency rigging has benefited while the people of Europe have been subjected to illegal contracts drawn up by the IMF and austerity measures which have reduced the average European to poverty levels. Europeans in the last 50 years have been distracted with a “liberal” ideology, believing themselves to be free citizens with no moral or spiritual restraints all the while being robbed of their inheritance and herded into a fascist corporate state.

Europeans are told that they are a Democracy, but Europe is an autocracy which if you dig deep enough is still owned and controlled by the Black Nobility, the P2 lodge and the Vatican.

Europeans are told that they have a free society, they are free to do just about anything that they like, so long as they do not attempt to rule themselves through referendums because the crowds do not decide their own fate, or demand a proper police force and legal system that will put an end to the narcotics, human trafficking and pedophile industries.

Europeans are told that they have social security so long as they do not demand a full and proper investigation into the banks and hold them to account for robbing them of their tax revenues.

Cognitive dissonance. Evil has adopted, infiltrated and taken over good and the people of Europe think that they are one and the same thing.

Bonk away … download that porn, sock it to the goat in your back yard, light that pipe and add brown sugar. And if you are really bored, join an anti -Putin march and hate the Russians. Or join Pussy Riot and smash-up some churches, preferably Orthodox Christian churches, … but never question the reality of your existence. Euripides is laughing!

SF Source The International Reporter Feb. 2017

One thought on “The European Union, Cognitive Dissonance And The Gotthard Tunnel

  1. Thanks. Some good info there. Increasingly I find two quotes compelling:
    “Every nation gets the government it deserves.” – Joseph de Maistre
    “Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it’s important. ” ― Eugene J. McCarthy
    This last seems to apply to every endeavor. I suspect that this duality universe is simply a lousy platform for consciousness. The pressure to promote it via virtual pep rallies and to cling to progress, hope and faith strikes me as entirely wrong-headed. We need to call a spade a spade; this platform for consciousness is a mistake.

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