Expert Tips on How to Create an Essay from Scratch

essayistGood essays require topic planning and preparation. The more you know about a subject the easier it will be to complete the writing task. And while it is certainly best to write the essay yourself, should you need advice or assistance putting your thoughts to paper (or find yourself under a time crunch to complete the task) expert essay writers exist online to assist you.

That said, here are some tips to help you produce a quality paper.

1. Choose your topic wisely

Choose a topic that is of interest to you. The more interest you have in the topic the more likely it is that you’ll do the necessary research required to write a quality essay. Make sure the topic you choose is broad enough for you to be able to produce an original essay from the information you collect.

2. Create engaging idea combinations

As you analyze your chosen topic write down questions that emerge. It’s in answering these questions that you’ll be able to produce a quality paper. Be open and allow many possible solutions and/or answers to occur. Choose a particular focus then make note of ideas that support your interest. Assemble your ideas in outline format and stick to your essay theme as you assemble these ideas.

3. Outline your topic

Your outline is a compositional plan that allows you to shift content around to create flow.  Review previously saved thoughts and select the most relevant. Look for associations among your notes so your final composition is both coherent and logical.

4. Be clear

It’s important to be concise and clear. It often helps to discuss your topic with others and invite their opinion. If you obtain insightful feedback then by all means include it in your notes and/or your first draft.

5. Remain cognizant of assignment requirements

If you’re writing a research essay don’t forget to attach relevant references such as source texts, quotations, philosophical or historical allusions. If you include quotes you’ve researched be sure to give credit. Plagiarizing – the act of stealing and passing off the ideas or words of another as your own – is frowned on and can get you in trouble. So be sure to include pertinent references.

6. Putting it all together

When you’re finished your first draft read it in its entirety. If it lacks flow, rethink positioning concepts and make modifications to improve readability. An essayist is not obliged to create a clearly defined ending, but it is helpful to summarize your thoughts by creating a short final reflective paragraph.

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