Beware the “The Cultural Civil War” Narrative: You’re Being Played

extremistsCharles Hugh Smith – Remember the “Russians hacked our election!” hysteria–or have you already forgotten? That entire narrative collapsed under a deluge of factual evidence that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) data release was an insider job, and a compelling lack of evidence of any other Russian hacking.

That failed narrative has now been replaced with a new mass hysteria: “a new cultural Civil War is inevitable.” In this narrative, America has succumbed to us-versus-them divisions divided by all-or-nothing ideological bright lines.

Snap out of it, America: you’re being played, just as you were played by the absurd “Russia hacked the election” mania.

The core strategy here is the destruction of any common ground: once the delusion that there is no common ground left has been cemented by relentless mainstream and social media hysteria/ propaganda, the populace fragments into echo-chamber fiefdoms of ideological conformity that are easily manipulated by the political-financial power structure.

Once the populace has been fragmented into ideologically divisive camps, controlling the resulting mass of warring mobs is easy. Rather than recognize the commonality of their powerlessness and impoverishment, the fragmented fiefdoms are easily turned on each other:

From the point of view of each fragmented fiefdom, the problem isn’t structural, i.e. the dominance of extreme concentrations of wealth and power; the “problem” is the other cultural-ideological fiefdoms.

Once the masses accept this false division and the destruction of common ground, their power to reverse the extreme concentrations of wealth and power is shattered. The play is as old as civilization itself: conjure up extremists (paying them when necessary), goad the formation of opposing extremists, then convince the populace that these extremists have been normalized, i.e. your friends and neighbors already belong to one or the other.

This normalization then sets up the relentless demands to choose a side– the classic techniques of misdirection and false choice.

Just as you’re sold a triple-bacon cheeseburger or a hybrid auto, you’re being sold a completely fabricated cultural civil war. There have always been extremists on every edge of the ideological spectrum, just as there have always been religious zealots.

In a healthy society, these fringe pools of self-reinforcing fanaticism are given their proper place: they are outliers, representing self-reinforcing black holes of confirmation bias of a few.

In times of social, political and financial stress, such groups pop up like mushrooms. In times of media saturation, a relative handful can gain enormous exposure and importance because the danger they pose sells adverts and attracts eyeballs/viewers.

Add a little fragmentation, virtue-signaling, demands for ideological conformity and voila, you get a deeply fragmented and deranged populace that is incapable of recognizing the dire straits it is in or recognizing the structural sources of its impoverishment and powerlessness.

In other words, you get an easily mallable populace at false war with itself.

There is always common ground for those who dare to seek it. The Powers That Be are blowing up the bridges as fast as they can, whipping up fear and hatred of the Other, fanning the flames of extremism and claiming extremists are now normalized and everywhere.

All of this is false. Would you buy an entirely manipulated cultural civil war if it was advertised as such? If not, then don’t buy into the false (but oh so useful to the ruling elites) narrative of an “inevitable cultural Civil War.”


SF Source Of Two Minds Aug 2017

7 thoughts on “Beware the “The Cultural Civil War” Narrative: You’re Being Played

  1. May we all embrace the emerging feminine and intend we are here as brothers an sisters, here to serve each other. I’ve been told the Australian Aborigines do not have Please and Thank You in their language. Such a marvelous way to interact.

  2. Excellent words. Great points, Much to ponder.

    “Wise men don’t need advice. Fools won’t take it.”

    -Benjamin Franklin

  3. They who are being manipulated will not see beyond the schemes of this trick. They will not get pass the instant reaction of the moment. These have been prepared by the puppet masters over every last. Police murder that is called justified homicide. Not knowing these are done to victimize the people. They are wounds deep in the hearts of an oppressed people, seeing that these actions were committed under the leadership of attorney general Eric Holder of Obama ‘said DOJ, does not register. Also Susan Rice and Loretto Lynch all African Americans yet nothing was investigated even with videos showing it was murder committed by many of these officers. Yet they want to vilify Trump cause as he stated both sides of this were at fault, one for racism and the other for attacking a person because they disagree with the personal opinion of the other ones. The same goes for excepting the lie about Russians hacking the elections. People both Black,White and Red , Yellow plus Brown ,are just fed up with our do nothing but tax and enslave the people of this nation. They are damaged tired of the same old lies while our nation slides into a 3rd world station as the political leaders enrich themselves at our expenses. All have sold this nation like a cheap where acting as pimps instead of leaders.

  4. It seems to me Trump has been set up to not only create this warring to keep everyone distracted from the fact, we are being duped and diminished. Oligarchy seems to be the plan and as everyone sits around bitching they are supporting its implementation. Trump is the most popular man!! People are sharing adrenaline rushes as displeasure is shared.

    1. On the chaotic timeline your analysis of the “game” that’s in play is accurate. On the evolving Earth/Trump/Putin timeline the destruction of the United States is NOT on the agenda.

      Everything is mirrored right now. Those with eyes to see who are anchored on the POSITIVE Earth/Trump timeline recognize that even war can and will end swiftly so we can move on.

      Everything is very fluid right now. Each individual’s creative potentials help weave the new (or old) narrative. Individual responsibility re what one chooses to anchor into this very potent creation field is precisely what will be reaped.

      When I speak of dominant timelines – basically positive / negative modalities (the 2 forces vying to control earth’s future) – the fact is there are likely as many discrete timelines as there are sentient beings on the planet. It it the thrust of the energy – toward a POSITIVE future or “more of the same” – that determines how one perceives the matrix in play.

      Many allow propaganda to cloud perception because, rather than actively participate by saying “no – not on MY timeline” many just accept the propaganda and deep six any creative imaginative impulse to SHIFT the imagery into something more in alignment with what one wants to experience personally and is actively projecting into group mind in terms of Earth’s evolutionary spiral.

      1. Ah yes, thank you for bringing up the most important. I missed saying, use the awareness of all and any negative things not liked as inspiration to turn your back upon it and, now, reflect upon and imagine creating, what it is we might and could have. This intention is a positive injection into the collective consciousness the very place in which we actually manifest a new way of being. We certainly are in a time of transformation, a coming together, an upward spiral. A tremendously strong resistance to this is the control paradigm which has been in charge for millenia. Change is unacceptable to CONTROL. The stupidity created here with the opposing camps is designed to maintain control, surreptitiously, thru keeping everyone distracted, pissed off and enjoying sharing the adrenaline rush. This creates a false sense of power, with a result, “I’ve taken are of business”, and nothing else need be done. this intention has the individual completely tied up and energetically supporting the very thing they do not want. “Keep em bitching and you’ve got them where you want them” In the army they say, “When the men stop complaining, watch out”

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