False Light And False Darkness

The following is an excerpt from Eric’s article “Etheric Implants and Entities ARE ‘Human Nature’ Part 2“.

False light

false darknessEric Raines – In a natural 3D reality system, duality is built into the experience to give a positive or negative polarity choice to the person learning in physical density. Ligh t/dark, Yin/Yang, soft/hard, hot/cold…all of these opposites are intrinsic in understanding and transcending the duality. The lesson of duality is that it does not exist; what seems as the opposing forces are in actuality only opposite sides of the same coin. Take in and out for instance. Two diametrically opposing constructs, yet without both, a full breath is not complete. These were the lessons of 3D reality, of how the void, or darkness was made by the same Creator that brought forth light and joy, and how everything has its place. The lessons of 3D were of finding a center point, balancing between the two understandings to comprehend how the Creation existed, and where the individuals place in infinity belongs.

This is not a natural system. The parasitic construct has taken these dualistic concepts of light and dark and hijacked both towards their own agenda. It is not just false light that is needed to be cautious of, but false darkness as well. False light is when the parasitic construct tries to mimic or emulate the light forces and their frequency.

A typical false light situation would be an individual connecting to a higher dimensional, positively oriented being, and being taught esoteric knowledge and philosophy. After a few times connecting to this particular entity, the individual channeling the information would be absolutely amazed at the accuracy and intricacy of the information coming through them, and the connection process starts to become familiar, and more automatic….more practiced.

People start to listen to the information being channeled, and a following develops. Subtly, as the connection begins to become infested, the message begins to turn towards subjects that on the surface seem altruistic and for the good of all, but lead into cult-like mentalities where people end up giving the channeler incredible amounts of money, and the whole thing becomes a profit driven machine needing to spit out new information in order to keep the cash cow rolling.

Instead of internal development and exploration, the channeler instead shifts their focus on what is the next bit of information they can in essence sell to the hungry mass of followers hanging on every word and update. What started off as a movement of light and love has now grown into a worldwide energy harvesting mechanism, headed by a person who still truly believes that they are helping out humanity, while simultaneously showing highly service to self behaviors. The messages become very android-like, speaking of the same subjects over and over in flowery words that say the same things slightly differently each time.

In my experience with the false light, I made contact with a woman from the Inner Earth named Ayla. I was extremely suspicious when, out in the desert in the middle of Arizona, I felt a distinct consciousness push up against mine, and “ring the doorbell”. Blazing gold, and ready to send anything dark to Source immediately, I extended my senses out to make contact. She had been feeling shifts in the Earths energy very strongly recently, and was following back the echoes of the Source energy that was actually on the planet, instead of on the other side of the veil, and metaphorically stumbled across me meditating on the rock in the middle of nowhere. She asked if she could “sit in” for a session while I extracted the implants and parasites from a client, and after about 2 weeks of contact, I agreed.

Ayla is a physical being in the planet despite being highly advanced psychically, not an etheric consciousness, so when she “sat in” on a session, what she did was take a spot to observe from in my heartspace. Having a physical being looking through your senses is a bit of an uncomfortable situation, almost like there was a golf ball sized spot that opened up in my chest and pushed everything to the outside of the golf ball sized void. It was uncomfortable, but didnt interfere, and it was extremely interesting to feel the joy and exuberance from someone who was not me welling up inside of me as I moved through the session. She would check back in periodically for the next 6 months or so, and I became used to the “doorbell ringing” sensation and the slight pressure in the chest as she was watching.

One day as I was driving, I felt the doorbell sensation, and automatically opened for her to come in, and she did, but there was something off about her. The projection I would receive and interpret if I “looked” into my chest was of an olive skinned, straight black haired attractive middle aged woman with slightly larger eyes than normal. This time, I could see the same projection, but it was all red, and behind her was a writhing mass of snakes, almost like she had a Medusa head, and the normal, slight pressure was distinctively uncomfortable, bordering on pain. As soon as it realized that I had seen it, whatever was masquerading as Ayla attacked me, and there I was, driving on the freeway, extracting and clearing myself as I drove.

That was an extremely valuable lesson for me. Even if you have encountered an entity thousands of times and know for a fact beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is positive in intent and is here for the highest good, do not trust it on initial contact. Always look at it clearly. Always light up extremely bright suns next to it to see if it recoils or the false light crumples. Always ask it before interacting if it is here for truth, light, love and the freedom of humanity. The false light uses these connections, and they can turn on a fake light so bright it can blind you if you do not pay attention or ask the entity questions.

False Darkness

The false darkness is possibly the hardest aspect of the parasitic construct to differentiate from, simply because it is the natural dark/cold/hard/Yin side of the coin that has been overbalanced to the point of being beyond a tool for learning. The false darkness is the atrocity for the sake of atrocity. In a natural system, the negative aspect of duality is there for us to go through to understand the value of benevolence, love, joy and light. It is a tool to grow, to become more than what we were the day before. In our system, there is no learning.

The false darkness only appears to teach, when in fact it is feeding upon us. There is no balance, no opportunity to choose the path to take , only what the false darkness has prepared. There is opportunity because of the false darkness to become much stronger, and much further evolved in the spiritual path than normally would be available, but the odds of that happening are rare without a spark from outside. I, myself, needed the outside spark. I was in a deep black pit of false darkness before I turned on the light inside of it, and now I hope to send a spark out to anyone who needs it.

SF Source How To Exit The Matrix March 2017

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