Establishment Plots Trump Removal

fbiSartre – Russia, Russia and all things Russia!

The drum beat never ceases. Only the most dense and easily manipulated buy into the bogus narrative that Trump is a Russian asset subject to blackmail. After all these pathetic months of disinformation from the Beltway District of Criminals, the absence of factual reality has become the most rare commodity in the public arena.

The establishment panic over the enactment of a robust America First policy administration has the bi-partisan ranks of dedicated Statists scheming to remove President Trump from office by any means necessary. It should be obvious that marginalizing his presidency started the day of his election. Now the ground work is being set to trump up some phony story, absent of any definitive proof, that will entice the GOP never Trumpers, to join in with the deranged Democrats to remove their most threatening nemesis.

With the recent firing of FBI Director James Comey, the lunatics among the hysterical Democrats are going ballistic to force the weak-kneed cowards in the GOP to accept that a special prosecutor when no crime has ever been uncovered from all the current congressional and Bureau investigations that have been going on for nearly a year.

The “Deep State” betrayers are back in full force to protecting the system as Trump’s Comey firing sets off new round of leaks.

“The conflict with Comey appears to have launched a new round of leaks from the Justice Department and the FBI. Citing sources close to Comey or lawmakers in touch with the FBI and DOJ, media outlets ran with stories about how Comey was fired because the administration felt the noose tightening on the Russia investigation.”

The preposterous suppositions that the Trump administration is under the manipulation of Russian operatives would not even be a good screen play for a Hollywood B movie. But in the convoluted world of the globalist establishment that controls America, a fictitious enemy always needs to be at the ready to confuse, distract and blame. In order to correctly understand as the investigative reporter, Robert Parry documents in The ‘Soft Coup’ of Russia-gate, one must accept that the imperialists of U.S. foreign policy are the true players behind the viral hatred of the America First Trump revolution. From the Ukraine, to the entire Middle East, the finger prints of the war hawks are all over the efforts to neutralize Trump’s original shift away from unlimited interventionism.

“The Times, the Post and virtually the entire Western mainstream media sided with the Ukrainian coup-makers and hailed Yanukovych’s overthrow. That attitude has become such a groupthink that the Times has banished the thought that there was a coup.

Still, the larger political problem confronting the United States is that the neoconservatives and their junior partners, the liberal interventionists, now control nearly all the levers of U.S. foreign policy. That means they can essentially dictate how events around the world will be perceived by most Americans.

The neocons and the liberal hawks also want to continue their open-ended wars in the Middle East by arranging the commitment of additional U.S. military forces to Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria – and perhaps a new confrontation with Iran.”

President’s Trump’s displacement from the counsel of Steve Bannon is testimony of the pressure, influence and sheer raw power of the establishment to keep the corrupt system in place. With the congenial acceptance of sitting down with Henry Kissinger, Trump has fallen into the globalist trap.

While all the corporatist media and the Looney Left social networks pound unrelentingly at Trump’s domestic initiatives, the real global elite cabal  scheme to shape the parameters of the long planned World War III.

Playing off the frenzy of the zealot Marists who are schooled in only existing in their deranged safe spaces, the establishment statists are all too pleased to foster the storyline that Trump’s impeachment is just a matter of time. The unceasing nausea that looks for any manufactured offense out of the Trump camp has the country so turned off with the fake news cycle and the crude political propaganda that has become the mainstay of the liberal establishment, has the thinking public disgusted with their newspeak.

However, when a spineless GOP senator: Special prosecutor ‘on the table’, joins into the choirs of absurd propositions, one is forewarned that the Republicans are the gravest danger for a Trump Presidency. “Sen. Dean Heller (R) said Friday he believes a special prosecutor should be appointed to look into links between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives if investigations currently ongoing in the House and Senate encounter obstacles.”

Poppycock bipartisan collusion illustrates just how treacherous the political class has become to anyone who challenges the cozy pay for play system. Since no evidence that a crime has been committed by Trump, impeachment is a red-herring of gigantic propositions.

If any of this modern day inquisition of witch hunters were sincerely about accountability for reprehensible acts, the criminal transactions of the transfer and sale inside the Obama-Clinton uranium deal would be vigorously investigated. “Trump tweeted: “Why isn’t the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia.” This is the real Russian scandal.

Trump made a profound mistake thinking that he could win over the embedded political criminal class. Allowing the Gary Cohen’s into the inner circle and appointing a GOP party loyalist like Reince Priebus to become chief of staff guaranteed that the swamp would remain a polluted disease ridden cesspit.

Another monumental mistake is listening to his daughter and son-in-law. Ivanka’s advice on climate change is like inviting Al Gore to implement the Paris Climate Agreement, and having Jared negotiating a Middle East settlement resembles having Rabbi Meir Kahane setting the territory boundaries on the West Bank.

Not a smart move and such missteps do not add one ounce of acceptance by the extreme zealots to accept a Trump restoration of the American dream. The welfare state for favorite companies and dependent vassals is a sacred objective of the ruling elites. Fostering several generations of unintelligible meatheads would make Norman Lear proud that his family of “educated” clones strive to impeach the flag bearer for the Bunker household.

In this psychological maladjusted culture, facts no longer exist as empirical realities. The mantra that Trump can do nothing right is the only perverted veracity that the establishment wants to foster. The unassailable critique that the Democratic Congress has obstructed, at every opportunity, the Trump agenda has been well established. Still, the true extent of the warfare against populism has as its goal the total collapse of any effective resistance against the established order.

As the public is being programmed to accept that Trump must be removed from office, the actual means of achieving this aim become secondary. Resign, questionable health, Congressional prosecution for phony crimes or even the surgical liquidation of his life, Trump’s loyal supporters must be eliminated from  having a voice in the political corridors of power.

The Comey diversion has been a total waste of populace attention. The FBI has been in disarray under his stewardship. The Hill reports, Four candidates interviewing for FBI director job Saturday that acting FBI Director James McCabe is one of them. The mere notion that such a tainted “public servant” who’s wife gladly takes inducement money, Terry McAuliffe Sent Big Bucks to Wife of FBI Official Involved in Clinton Email Case, is enough to FIRE him from the bureau.

As sure as the FBI and Congressional investigations will continue in their highly restricted, yet politically misleading inquiries, the march toward impeachment will drone out in daily reporting from the dishonest media.

The sick and corrupt political culture that infest the Beltway outlaws will continue to do the dirty work so that the internationalist who make up the military-industrial-security complex will maintain their permanent war engagements. Trump is just not a dependable wag-the-dog commander in chief.

Since the Democrats have already declared war on Trump, what rational and honest American can support their subversion of will of the last electorate? When the cracks in the GOP Congress start to remind you of a rush for the door, the election victory of the grassroots deplorables will be overturned by a gutless band of whimps.

In case you forgot, it was the Republican Senators who failed to remove Bill Clinton from office. Since he was never tried for his treason for selling missile and nuclear technology to the Chinese, justice was flouted. Do not be naive, Trump would never enjoy the same get out of jail card as Bill, and certainly Hillary did under Comey and AG Loretta Lynch.

For anyone who is still confused, just go back to watching your Clinton News Network or Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. As for those who are discerning and are looking for an insightful perspective; RT, that’s Russia Today, has more accuracy than any of the censored U.S. outlets, including the new Faux News. Break the programming addiction and start thinking for yourself.

– May 16, 2017

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