Obama Is Intentionally Collapsing US Economy [Video]

In this exclusive interview with Ann Barnhardt, founder of the former Barnhard Capital Management, Barnhardt exposes the blatant fraud in US financial markets, the IRS scandal, the financial enslavement of the American people, and whether Obama is conspiring to collapse our economy!


As the most popular “Finance and Liberty” interview to date, stay tuned for a shocking ride behind the scenes of the true America and how we can possibly win our country back!

financialAnn Barnhardt writes “I will continue to educate and sound the warning via this website for as long as possible.  I am living off of the dwindling remains of my estate liquidation.  Being 37 years old, I will obviously need to find some way to earn money so that I can live.  I aspire to janitorial work, but keep being told at every turn that I am overqualified, not meant for janitorial work and should be using my intellect to earn a living.  Sadly, people of intellect and morality are disqualified and even attacked when society is under the control of a tyranny backed by the mob.  Don’t ask where all of the smart people are.  Don’t ask where all of the leaders of men are.  We are sitting in the back, watching in silence, because the mob wants to be ruled by psychopaths and imbeciles.  So long as that is the case, we cannot help you, even if we wanted to.” She worked as a Commodities Broker in US Financial markets until stepping aside out of financial concern for the safety of her clients funds in a manipulated marketplace.

SF Source Govt Slaves  April 2015


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