Find The Right Key For Unlocking Your Problems

problemsWe all have things about ourselves we would like to change. Maybe we’ve been working on them for years, or maybe it’s an issue that has only emerged recently. Whatever the case, there are lots of different options we can explore to come to a resolution, but we may find that we don’t solve the problem as quickly as we expect.

In a world where we can do everything instantly, it’s very frustrating to have a problem that we can’t fix with the first thing we try. The more personal the issue, the more troublesome it is when we can’t get to the bottom of it with the first idea.

There are countless factors that go into our ability to solve problems, and if we don’t address them all, we may not succeed. That doesn’t mean that some problems can’t be solved. It just means that you may not solve them on the first try.

Think of the custodians in your elementary school. They probably carried big rings of keys, and when they needed to unlock a door, they likely had to try several before finding the right one. They didn’t get discouraged when the first key didn’t work, because they knew the right one was on that ring somewhere. “Unlocking” the problems in your life takes that same attitude.

Let’s consider some of the different problems you may want to work on, and how their “locks” can vary for different people.


Understanding the complexities of the addiction “locks” is what Landmark Recovery focuses on. Their staff understand that what works for one addict will not work for another, so they zero in on finding the underlying issues and identifying the personality traits that have led to the addiction. Then they treat those to remove the sources, letting the problem wither on the vine.

Millions of people are addicted to alcohol, others to drugs, and still others to less obvious ones like caffeine. There are countless reasons why people have taken up their particular habits, and their circumstances vary widely. Some people grew up around alcoholics, so they became abusers themselves. Others have a genetic tendency to get hooked.

Weight Problems

Many of the same issues are involved in being overweight. It can be cultural or genetic from our childhood, and it can be environmental from our adult lives. Job situations can cause us to work long hours with little activity, and our tiny window of time for lunch may leave us feeling our only option is fast food or ordering in. There may also be chemical issues in our bodies that contribute to weight gain.

Unlocking a weight problem calls for a very simple plan: See your doctor, then burn more calories than you eat.

Personal Success

Whether you’re stuck in a dead-end job, have a lot of debt, or simply don’t think you’re making the most of your life, you may want to make some changes. Yet you struggle to attack a problem that seems so big.

If we were to continue our lock analogy here, let’s think of a big problem like this as a series of doors. You unlock the first in order to access the second, and so on. The process as you reach each door is the same; you pull up your key ring and start trying different options until you succeed.

In life, here’s what that looks like. If you want a better job, you start with skills. Find a way to become qualified for a better job. Once you unlock that door, you’ll start working on unlocking the door to get that better job. From there, you’ll unlock promotions, raises, and so on.

The important thing with any problem is to understand that everyone is different, and that the countless types of problems there are mean that there are also countless potential solutions. Keep trying those keys until you find the right one.

Shift Frequency © 2017 – Right Key For Unlocking Your Problems

One thought on “Find The Right Key For Unlocking Your Problems

  1. Well written and absolutely spot on correct. Sometimes I think that the powers that shouldn’t be WANT us to struggle with seemingly unsolvable problems.. at the very least they are merely a distraction, but if allowed to fester long enough they can be deadly.

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