Finding Abundance in All the Wrong Places

abundance Diana Wildcat  – Last night I could not silence my brain, and fell into a momentary mindset of ugliness.

I was feeling as though many things I’ve worked so hard to realize are being taken by others. These things being of both the physical and nonphysical sense. And people are just taking these things. Without asking.

I care for each of these people. They know I’d give the shirt off my back if somebody needed it, but, “I didn’t sign up for all of this. Just. Ask,” I thought.

A tear ran down my cheek, as I lay there feeling sorry for myself. Then the bomb hit me. “I have nothing for myself.”

Ashamed of myself for a moment, I pushed the thought from my head, knowing it would not serve me. Queue the alligator tears as my brain reeled.

“We are co-creating a new paradigm, a shift in consciousness to change the world. Yet I’m sitting here feeling slighted that ‘I’ve nothing for myself.'”

Mind you, I was raised an only child. More recently, there was a period of time where a group of amazing friends and family were my earth angels, keeping shelter over my head night to night.

Flash forward to this point, and I’ve more than I have ever imagined in more ways than I’d ever imagined! Yet have that fluttering thought that I have nothing. We are so programmed to lean to that “lack mentality.”

I have more than enough.

I am a divine embodiment of love. I have the joy of sharing and co-creating with these people. I love each of these individuals.

I am celebrating gratitude and a touch of humility as I realize the true beauty of abundance— having the resources, energy, and feelings to share with others.

Hat tip, Ari!

SF Source One Vibration Apr 2018

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