Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, June 9, 2015

followThird Quarter Moon in Pisces: revise, realign

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: recognize that extremely powerful energy is healing shadows; follow along

Catalysts for Change: easily offended, difficulties adjusting, uncompromising, issues with safety, bragging, ego centric display, going against nature/one’s nature, misunderstanding, aggression

True Alignments: the will to continue, insights, wisdom from older written sources (follow intuition to reach for a certain book), thoughtful, helping someone who is in a new situation, including others, adjusting to conditions, tapping into something greater, major opportunities

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The Moon becomes the dancer of the “music of the spheres” today, activating preeminent energetics of the Sun, Mars, the Black Moon, and Chiron.

The Moon goes into it’s Third Quarter phase today, which carries the elements of seeing what needs to be revised, realigned, and reformed. Third Quarter phase is heavily attached to accepting personal responsibility for whatever is in focus and then endeavoring to move forward. It is a mature undertaking.

There are two things happening with this. First, we are in a lunar month that inherently presents challenges to forward movement. Second, today is a day when feelings of failure and incapability could naturally take us off course. The combination tends to blow things out of proportion. Feelings of failure, incompetence, mistrust, and guardedness are much stronger than usual. We can be very hard on ourselves. Thus, it can be difficult to follow the missive of the Third Quarter Moon phase to accept the way things are and endeavor to do better.

The Sun is trailing Mars until they finally meet up on Sunday. The Black Moon and Chiron are delving deep to invoke massive inner and outer reform. And today the Moon will dance with them all.

Since the Moon is in Pisces, the dance evokes a spectrum of emotions, so wise owls will not be surprised if situations, thoughts, and feelings seem to be going in many directions, all of which lead toward reform and revision.

Old systems based on power and control structures do not stand a chance under these energetics.

We do not need to be spun out of control on the dance floor by it. We also do not need to be knocked down because we are holding on so tightly and rigidly to the past. We are much more than just our feelings. Let’s flow with and follow the lead of today’s energy. If things change course, let’s follow along and see what happens. It might be something more beautiful than we ever could have imagined.

(My recording program is not cooperating today, so I am not able to record the Report.)

Note: The second episode of the “Parliament of Wise Owls” is posted here at and also at these links: YouTube link and Link to Sol’s Blog/Articles discussed in the recording.

Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report – Laura Walker

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