The Matrix Has You Trapped Between The ‘Two Minds’

Arno Piennar – Have you been trapped between “two minds” lately? Are you caught in indecision about your next step, as if there is some sort of pull, in two opposite directions?

The more people you follow, — people you allow to tell you how to live your life — the more confused and disorientated you become.

This occurs due to different programs (that are already running those you are following) now gaining access to your mind too, as if a tentacle has latched onto you, which is then used proactively by the unseen architect to plummet you mentally into further disarray.

A great psychological issue is at play for most minds, and that is, projecting personal concepts of brilliance onto idols and people other than our very selves.

This common habit, usually directed at film stars, sport stars, religious leaders, public figures, kings and queens and, for me in the past, spiritual teachers, only dis-empowers you due to your unconscious worship of another soul, admitting that the other is higher or greater than yourself.

The Matrix Has You Trapped Between The ‘Two Minds’

Admitting “another is greater” is happening subconsciously. If you had your life together in an unmovable state, there would be no seeking answers from the outside — where many matrix traps await to captivate us.

Whether you know it or not, once you fall into this trap, your thoughts suddenly change, as if you have installed a new program onto your hard-drive. The choices and decisions that you contemplate suddenly refer to the new program before following through.

Asking yourself, “What would the Dalai Lama do?” or “What would Eckhart Tolle do?”.

This example is only touching the surface of the internal epidemic. On a more deeper level, an individual literally starts thinking like another (the subpersonality at play), losing touch with soul-centered intuition altogether, uniqueness long forgotten.

Programs that we unknowingly upload into our consciousness come in many forms, such as books, documentaries, movies, TV series, music, internet websites, podcasts, etc. The list is endless.

Basically, anything manufactured by another that you can find on the external plane, and to which we give our undivided attention to. Note that I used the word manufactured and NOT created.

Works of creation are very rare on Earth, as they originate outside of time, in the here and now. The only music outside of time that I personally know about is Beethoven.

In other words, the music of Beethoven was not channeled from the matrix, and cannot serve to hamper your reality processing capacity.

Now you may ask how am I supposed to learn anything new? Well, if you are matrix-bound and fall under dominion of it — meaning that you are mind-controlled most of the time by programs assigned to you at birth (astrology and numerology) and those you have uploaded after birth, then anything new can only occur once you have unplugged.

Nothing new can ever truly happen for anybody that keeps uploading program after program on the restless search for the meaning of life.

Unplugging all the cables inserted that are energizing matrix-thoughts leads to an individual reaching nothingness again (i.e. the space of stillness where the mind is a servant rather than a slave master).

This is what letting go means. This is also what forgiveness means: to let this world go and not let it affect you, not let it trouble you emotionally, because it is a setup to constantly confuse all, and most break under the pressure.

Most turn into monsters, mind-controlled drones that are controlled to the point of apparent no return. Forgive them, for they not know what they do! Or why they do it.

Cracking the Codes

Most importantly, there can be no order without starting from your foundation, instead of trying to build from an unrooted platform.

It is ironic that the harder one searches through the outside reality for the meaning to life, the further one goes in the opposite direction of “home.” A real journey can only have its source from home, and that is what we should strive to find first. Learning to count again from zero instead of one, is the way to go.

Western modes of education are spells in disguise. A zero represents a circle, which represents the origin of the seed of life and the soul. A one from another angle (viewing from above) is also a zero. Zero and one are the same, nothing and something. Nothing and something, sounds familiar? That is what you are.

Learning in school that one is the first numeric number of value and going up from there serves as a spell to cause a soul to have its starting point off center which is the zero and foundation. Turning the first step into something that doesn’t serve to make us believe that first there was something instead of nothing!

When you count from zero, you acknowledge the value of that number instead of denying its existence.

The 360 degree circle (360 = numerical value of 9) that they teach us should be changed back to a 361 degree enclosed circle.

Remember, if you count zero as 1, and 1 as 2, and continue from there onwards, you end up with 361 degrees, numerically meaning 10. What is 10? Isn’t that the numerical representation of what we are?

A 360 degree circle is not a circle but rather an omega sign (a circle with a gap in the middle) which represents polarity, or a short-circuit, which most suffer from.

This was another dirty spell casted by teachers unknowingly! These revelations will serve to change your life immediately, as it did mine.

Artificial Intelligent Mind

It is one thing to identify which thoughts aren’t yours in between all the chatter, but it is a total different ballgame to become liberated from the all seeing eye of Horus — the grand architect that has access to your mind, keeping you in tension.

The intention of the matrix is to have your mind’s attention and to keep you in tension! Caught between two minds! Forever raging war of conflict over the sovereignty of your own mind.

The ego likes to identify with any construct in any form in this reality as it depends on this identification for its survival. It is the part of you that invites these unauthentic thoughts into your psyche from the mainframe.

Do not confuse the ego with the second mind though, as the source of the second mind is in the heavens or above. As above, so below. Sounds familiar? Above represents the mainframe, the all seeing eye on the top of the pyramid.

The rabbit hole is deeper still, and I intend to come out with everything that I can, so that we change the status quo as much as possible, for the betterment of all.

mindArno Pienaar is a freelance writer for The source of much of my work is diclem, a pair of metaphysical alchemists:
You can contact him  via his website.

SF Source How To Exit The Matrix  May 2016

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