TPP, Weather Warfare And Naval Buildup In The South China Sea

freeKatherine Frisk – In the 1990s a very old childhood friend came to visit. He was expounding on the wonders of free trade zones. A plan that was being engineered at the time for Mozambique which had been decimated by a civil war. A free trade zone in Maputo, apparently, was part of a program to rebuild and restructure the country and bring it back to life. Or, to put it another way, it had been successfully destroyed and now it was time for the engineers of that destruction to rebuild it in their own image. For more information on this program and how it has worked over the last 70 years see: A Timeline of CIA Atrocities

I listened intently about how these free trade zones would function and how they would be tax exempt.

I also listened to the wondrous virtues of this system, that would create jobs for the people of Mozambique and help to uplift the country.

The workers would not be tax exempt.

This sounded like a free ride for some and a rip off for others. The companies and corporations involved and the shipping industry, would get all the benefits of operating in that country but would not be giving anything back in return for the privilege of functioning in that country. The majority of the free trade zones would all be situated in third world countries where they had cheap labour and people were desperate for work. My reply was:

“So let me get this straight. First world companies trading in third world countries in free trade zones do not pay tax. Third world companies trading in first world countries where there are no free trade zones have to pay tax? When they make New York, South Hampton, Sydney and every other first world port a free trade zone, then we can talk.”

In 2004 a tsunami struck the Indian ocean. I watched almost every single bit of footage of that horrific disaster. Two things struck me.

The UK, the USA, Australia, China and India with their numerous fleets of navy ships in and around the area, made no attempt whatsoever to organize a joint humanitarian rescue operation. Within 24 hours they could have all been in there with rescue helicopters and medical assistance. So much for international co-operation and humanitarian ethics.

It was left to the Thai authorities and holiday makers who volunteered their services. I remember one young girl specifically, from Holland I think. All she had left was a pair of shorts, a tee-shirt and slops. She had spent the past week helping to collect dead and bloated bodies off the beach as they washed up, identify them and wrap them. When a camera crew interviewed her she was hitching a ride back to the airport. She was exhausted, dehydrated and very traumatized. What had started out as a holiday in paradise ended up in a nightmare that I am sure will haunt her for the rest of her life.

The second thing that struck me was that this whole disaster did not look natural to me. Something about it was completely out of whack. At the time I asked the question:

“Could a nuke placed at the bottom of the ocean have caused a seismic sea wave that resulted in all this carnage?” Laughed out the room I was! 

Then I went and had a look at a little country called Sumatra. Prior to the tsunami a political revolution was taking place. The people of northern Sumatra were fighting for independence and for ownership of their natural resources. Known as the Insurgency in Aceh.  Differences in religion and oil companies were also involved. One of the worst places hit by the tsunami was Banda Aceh.

I don’t know if any of you saw the footage of what was left of northern Sumatra after the tsunami. NADA. Nothing. Not a tree, not a plant, not a house and almost the whole population was decimated.


To quote from Wikipedia:

After the devastating tsunami in December 2004, GAM declared a unilateral cease-fire, with members of the international community reiterating the need to resolve the conflict.

I guess the tsunami solved that little political problem rather nicely didn’t it?

In 2011 and 2012 the Pacific Rim was beset by earthquakes. The Ring of Fire. Thanks to some highly aware and active internet bloggers and videos makers, I learnt about HAARP. I remember the very first article I read on weather warfare in 2012. Written by Harrold Saive. Govt. Documents Link Global Warming to Advanced Military Climate Modification Technology.

To educate yourself further please click on Geoenginering, Weather Modification and Weather Warfare and get up to speed. Because you are going to need this information in the future.

I was beginning to get the picture. This was part of World War 111. Earth quakes, hurricanes, tsunamis all put down to that terror, “Man made Global Warming and Climate change.” Can we have a drum roll please? Led by the pied piper Pope Francis himself! Come one, come all and enter Plato’s cave! The shadows on the wall will keep you amused for years if not for at least another century!

The Vatican is an independent corporation and city-state within Rome. It has branches all over the world, like a franchise. The Vatican owns large amounts of property in every single country on the planet and… because they are a “religious” organization they do not pay tax at all. Oh praise the Lord!

Bishops have diplomatic immunity because they are citizens of the Vatican and “ambassadors” in any given country. Up until recently, Roman Catholic priests could not be arrested, tried or convicted for crimes such a pedophilia because of their international “diplomatic” status. They are dealt with by the church who has its own law courts, and the perpetrators for the most part, are moved around on the chessboard to another parish where they continue their child abuse.

The TPP, western corporate fascism, has taken the Corporate Roman Catholic Vatican model as a blue print for all future economic agreements as will become clearer below. And keep in mind that the Vatican has major shareholding in many of the corporations within the Vampire Squid, Lockheed Martin and Bank of America being two examples. They are after all, as Pope Francis stressed, “A poor church.” And I haven’t even started to mention the money laundering operations through the Vatican bank which includes drug money.

But why weather warfare in the Pacific Rim? For what reason? Then I found out about the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement. I am willing to bet that all the countries in the Pacific Rim did not and do not want to join the TPP. That these countries have been terrorized into doing so through weather warfare that includes tsunamis, hurricanes and earthquakes. Think Fukushima. Think the hurricanes in the Philippines. Think the earthquake in New Zealand in Christchurch. Also see my article: Why did Chile get an Earthquake and Tsunami?

The TPP takes the concept of a free trade zone to the next level. Where corporations do not pay tax in the countries in which they operate and now they will have the same rights as governments with their own law courts, (much like the Vatican that has diplomatic immunity, tax exemption and its own law courts) and will be able to sue governments in the country in which they operate for loss of income due to wage labour laws, environmental laws and quality control over food and industry.

One example is that if the government of that country wants to build a hospital, these corporations can sue that government not only for loss of income, but for POTENTIAL loss of income should they decide to build another hospital in the area at any future date. Competitive rates and affordable health-care will encourage the population to use the government service as opposed to the overpriced, privately owned service, and according to agreements like the TPP, they will be able to sue. The destruction of the NHS in the UK is a perfect example.

They also want to privatize law courts and the legal system. So there will be a competitive legal system and these corporations who own the private law courts will sue the government for loss of income due to freely available legal processes with the services of a lawyer appointed to you if you cannot afford one. You getting the picture now?

Again I would like to stress, this is NOT capitalism, this is corporate fascism, and those with either communist or socialist leanings and their anti-capitalist jargon are only serving those who advocate corporate fascism by helping to dupe the public into believing that free trade zones and the TPP are capitalist systems when they are far from it. Goldman Sachs thanks you profusely for this free service and propaganda that works in their interest!

Trade done within the TPP will not be based on supply and demand in order to set the price for goods with healthy competition, instead it is designed to destroy all competition and set the price through tenders and contractual agreements. The beneficiaries are not the employees of these companies, or the end-user, they are the CEOs of these corporations and their shareholders.

The TPP will not result in job creation as promised, it will result in slave labour and a feudal system of the very rich 1% and the large majority living just above the bread line. An educated, self empowered and thriving middle class in a real capitalist system with real free markets and competitive rates is the last thing on their agenda. Remember the time where the local hamburger joint was not a chain franchise owned by a holding company, neither was the local grocer, butcher, bookstore or clothing store? Remember when you actually knew the owner and their children and everyone was part of a community? Those days are long gone.

Consider this headline: TTIP: The Aristocracy Aren’t Satisfied; They Demand More

Eric Zuesse states:

“Public services are those provided by a government to its population, usually based around the social consensus that certain services should be available to all regardless of income.” Another way of stating this is that a “public service” is one provided to citizens as a right, available to all equally, instead of as a privilege, available only upon the basis of ability-to-pay. The “social consensus that certain services should be available to all regardless of income” is repudiated in treaties like this, because they reflect instead a “libertarian” (to use the U.S. term) or “liberal” (to use the European term) viewpoint, that a person’s wealth reflects that person’s contribution to society, so that no poor person possesses any rights at all.”

Taxation paid by the whole population including all corporations should have as its priority: a high standard of education available to all; a high standard of health-care available to all; a high standard of affordable transport available to all; and a high standard of equitable safety and security available to all with equal justice for all.

What the TPP and free trade zones do is exclude the major corporations from contributing to the upliftement of any society, instead making education, health-care, safety and security and transport private industries where reasonable and preferably high standards are only available to the very rich in expensive privately owned schools, hospitals, security services and transport facilities.

Think of the Toll gate system. Privately owned where only those who can afford it can travel on these roads. If you cannot afford the fees you cannot drive anywhere and become landlocked. Roads and bridges previously built and paid for by tax payers money are now handed over to private entities who charge ever-increasing prices for using these facilities and make huge profits.

In effect, what this does is create a two tier feudal system equivalent to the Lords of the Manor and their peasant serfs. Included in this system will be land ownership taken out of the hands of the average person who will be herded into smart cities and forced to pay rental for extremely small living areas. Large tracts of land outside of the cities will be reserved for the corporate giants. The 21st century landed gentry. I do believe that the housing crisis in the US in 2008 was designed to bankrupt property owners and evict them from their premises which were then sold to the big banks for well below market prices. It was a land grab.

Since 9/11 the money that should have been spent by the US government on education, health, safety and security and affordable transport with fast rail systems across the country, has instead gone into the coffers of the military industrial complex under the auspices of “the war of terror” and all the diabolical mess that has resulted in carnage and human suffering.

Another recent headline also makes sense to me. Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Equals a U.S. Aircraft Carrier.  Consider this line:

“US defense secretary Ashton Carter says the Trans-Pacific Partnership is as important to him as another aircraft carrier.”

Stephen Gowans then elaborates:

“Commentary on the TPP as a weapon wielded against North American workers is important and necessary, but no less important is the reality that the TPP also exists as a weapon wielded against China, a country the U.S. ruling class designates as a rival. Even the U.S. political elite has embraced the weapon metaphor. U.S. secretary of defense, Ashton B. Carter has called the pact “as important to me as another aircraft carrier.” “

Here is another headline:

With US Warships En Route To Islands, China Asks: “What On Earth Makes Them Think We Will Tolerate This?”

The United States provoative attempts to infringe on China’s South China Sea sovereignty are sabotaging regional peace and stability and militarizing the waters.

The U.S. Navy is reportedly preparing to conduct “freedom of navigation” operations, sending warships within 12 nautical miles of Chinese islands in the South China Sea. The U.S. operations may take place within days, according to reports.

Last month, in his response to China’s claim of sovereignty over the South China Sea, U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said the United States “will fly, sail and operate wherever the international law allows, as we do around the world.”

China and Russia have not joined the TPP or the TTIP. Neither have any of the other BRICS nations. As a point of interest, Russia, China, India and South Africa are not Roman Catholic nations. Neither are the large majority of nations who have joined the AIIB or who are prospective members.

As  Smedly Butler said, “all wars are bankers wars.” The question we should all be asking ourselves today is:

Are all environmental disasters bankers disasters?

At the moment the world is focussed on the Middle East and Syria in particular. Europe is focussed on the refugee crisis and Ukraine. A rather big bonfire lite in one direction has successfully distracted our attention away from another in the other direction. The East and the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement. I appeal to you to look both ways. A truck could hit you from either direction and you will not make it to the other side of the road.

Katherine Frisk is a Guest Writer for Shift Frequency

SF Source The International Reporter  Oct 2015

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