“Friction” – The main theme for July

frictionLena Stevens – Friction is caused by two hard surfaces grinding against each other, the resistance then producing a spark capable of ignition. The hard surfaces in this case can be anything from old calcified belief systems meeting new truths that challenge actual experiences, to discussions from polar positions that turn heated and argumentative, to new exciting desires and intentions that meet old fear patterns of resistance.

July is a “hot” month of intensity channeled either into positive conceptions, ideas and bursts of creative energy or into irritation, damaging aggression and explosive destruction. The choice is obviously yours. You will need to pay attention and monitor closely how you react and use this friction as well as setting good boundaries against those who are not using it so well. (helpful audio this month is Jose’s “How to Deal with Meltdowns”)

Friction is necessary to ignite a new spark, a new fire that will fuel something new in your life. However, if you do not focus this energy, it will burn up more than you bargained for. The image is that of two pieces of wood that are used to create a spark that can be used to build a fire. Fire was a revolutionary discovery for the human experience. It can be used to cook food, keep warm and to nurture your personal environment. It can also be deadly when it gets out of control and burns everything in its path.

The ignition from tension and friction this month should be used very wisely. Be present and aware of what is causing it in your life and how it can support change and fuel new projects, relationships and improvements.

If you are passive, in denial or allow others to take over, it may not go so well. So, set your boundaries and protection but at the same time, look to your own inner friction and allow it to ignite something that will have a positive outcome. This can be an exceptionally creative month especially if you focus on what is ahead instead of what is behind you. Keep your eyes on the door on the other side of the room of ten thousand distractions and you will stay on the golden line.

You can also use this month for helping to clear, dissolve, and transform the things in your life that need to evolve to a higher state. We often mention that in order to fully step into something new you need to first create space for it.

Any attachment to an old belief, dysfunctional relationship, identity or physical clutter is probably fear based and steeped somewhat in the doubt that you don’t have it in you to create something better. We hold on to what is past for various reasons and thus keep ourselves in our own debt for far too long. Forgive the debt and move on. (helpful course: “Shamanic Clearing of Self, Stuff and Space”)

We have 2 eclipses this month intensifying the energy. Eclipses always support change but can take whatever is happening in your life and around you into an accelerated process. This is helpful in some cases but chaotic and irritating in others. Look for people and pets acting out a bit and don’t take certain challenging events personally. It is best to distance yourself from drama that is not yours and set good boundaries against the projections of others. Get help and support and use the energy of these eclipses (as well as the friction) as allies and positive tools to proactively move forward in your life.

How the month shows up

You Personally

Since much of the friction is internal, you may be challenged this month with your own mood swings, irritation at self, disharmony in your life, clutter you have procrastinated dealing with, relationship that need tending to, an environment or work that no longer serves you, or simply feeling a lack of support in areas that could use more. Instead of berating yourself, blaming others, or acting rashly, take this as an opportunity to acknowledge truth and to step into more courage for proactively changing your life. Focus instead on a new and exciting project that will improve your enjoyment of life and give you something you did not have before.

It could be as simple as planting new plants in your garden or getting a new hair color or even a new piece of clothing, or seeing how to use an old space in new ways. The key is that is has to be something new and different than what you are used to. It is often a final and intense irritation towards something you have been putting up with that motivates this change. Just remember to be proactive about it instead of reactive. This will take a mature awareness of what is causing friction and taking responsibility for the change it ignites. Use inspiration, creativity and excitement to feed the spark instead of anger, irritation and frustration.


Relationships this month can be the breeding ground for friction, change and evolution. They can cause the spark that ignites either something very positive or something destructive. Discussions easily turn into heated arguments if you don’t keep them on the side of neutrality. It is best to avoid blame on either side, to practice forgiveness and to tell the truth about who you are with and why. Any relationship that is dysfunctional will not do well in this energy. Instead of seeing this as a negative thing, see it as a positive and clear signal to do something different.

Continue reading . . .

SF Source The Power Path Jul 2019

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