Galactic Scale Astrology: The Great Wave

The Great Wave Lorna Bevan – A heads up. The extraordinary astrology of March, April and May is galactic in scale, not just solar-planetary, offering the potential for personal and collective breakthroughs on a large scale.

Not only are there two Aries/Libra eclipses – one on March 24th, the other on April 8th – but the Aries Solar eclipse will cast its dark shadow right across Canada and the USA from SW to NE – in a mirror image of the Great American eclipse of August 2017 that went NW to SE.

This is on top of the approaching Pisces Super Moon, Node of Fate conjunct Chiron in Aries, the auspicious Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus in April followed by Jupiter entering Gemini in May – all amped up by the high-frequency electricity of Pluto in Aquarius and Neptune square the karmic Galactic Centre.

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This week, unpredictable Uranus at 19° Taurus is in Trickster mode in cahoots with Venus, Mercury and Mars, shaking up and shaking out any complacency, comfort zones and entitlement.

Make a note of the March 10 Stealth Super New Moon’s enhanced tide, storm and seismic potential between March 7-13th. Apart from its geophysical footprint, expect a powerful bioelectric/hormonal surge from its conjunction. All the major planets are direct, nudging you to move forward with faith.

This Super New Moon at 20° Pisces is conjunct Saturn and Neptune, trine Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. All the major planets are direct, nudging you to move forward with faith.

Choose the higher side of this potent Pisces energy to free your imagination and intuition to seed the New and to collaborate with What Will Be:
free yourself from limbic hijacking – create oases of digital detox

♦ don’t be a consumer who never evolves into a creator

♦ start a project that requires both imagination and visualization

♦ be kind and sensitive to the more vulnerable, messy or chaotic parts of yourself

♦ engage in peaceful and restorative activities

Chandra Symbol New Moon PISCES 21: Pagan fire worshippers dancing.

“Trance states. At home in psychic realms and other realities, abandoned to the tribe–to the sweep of the moment, to the energies that arise. On fire with longing and poignant, bittersweet reflections. A throwback, a native, a primal soul.

Emotional, depths-centered, super physical, you are energized tremendously by special occasions, extraordinary meetings, unexpected miracles and tragedies.

Expectant and waiting for something wild and unknown to break through. Mediumistic and charged with a life force that must be followed. A certain distinctive fate to be at times disappearing and gone and at other times resurgent and mighty–all depend upon the tides of fortune. And it will constantly change in unpredictable, exciting, disorienting, and multiple ways.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Mar 2024

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