Global Media Empire Takes a Huge Hit

Global Media Empire Takes a Huge HitBrooks Agnew – Disney is one of the giants in the Global Media Empire. Back in the late 1980s, there were about 52 large media outlets in the free world. They competed against one another for the best bleeding stories. War correspondents risked their lives to get the best footage and interviews under fire. Those very reporters held anchor chairs for decades, after paying those dues.

Then, then began to merge and buyout and put out of business one another until the financial actions were so large they had to be approved by the US Departments of Commerce and sometimes State. Bill Clinton was installed to do three things. First, he had to allow the Global Media Empire distill down to 9 super companies. He would also lay the groundwork for the CIA to use propaganda inside our country.

Operation Mockingbird is multi-billion dollar program of the CIA that began in the early years of the Cold War. At first, it was designed to foment rebellion in foreign countries by teaching and encouraging citizens to rise up and overthrow leaders the CIA did not like.

It did not stop there. Under Bill Clinton and later more fully under Barack Obama, it was expanded to manipulate domestic American news media organizations for propaganda purposes. This propaganda network was greatly fortified by billion-dollar front groups operating as non-profits with impunity from the Department of Justice to further tear the country apart.

This week, one of the 9 kings of the Global Media Empire suffered a mighty blow at the hands of the Awakened American citizens. First, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) won re-election in a landslide victory on Tuesday. Then Disney’s corporate earnings disappointed Wall Street, sending its stock crashing to new lows. Now the entertainment giant is reportedly planning layoffs, a targeted hiring freeze, and travel limitation on its employees.

Disney CEO Bob Chapek said in a letter last week their new austerity measures will be “difficult” but necessary. Austerity means they are making huge reductions in the operation expenses in order to survive. Their source of money is you. They lost their ability to tax Floridians. They were exposed for their multi-decade long grooming of children for the sex trafficking of the Global Syndicate. They were connected to Jeffrey Epstein and the most heinous crimes against children, all while trying to appear to the public as the great fantasy builders of children’s entertainment.

They fed some good, moral stories, with subliminal and overt references to sex for children and the ever present dysfunctional family as the core theme to their sketches. From Old Yeller to Buzz Lightyear, every single family was broken. This normalization prepared kids to live in a home with only one parent, or an orphanage, or a convent, or alone on the streets.

“I am fully aware this will be a difficult process for many of you and your teams,” said Bob. “We are going to have to make tough and uncomfortable decisions. But that is just what leadership requires, and I thank you in advance for stepping up during this important time. Our company has weathered many challenges during our 100-year history, and I have no doubt we will achieve our goals and create a more nimble company better suited to the environment of tomorrow.”

He said Disney will also be conducting a “rigorous review of the company’s content and marketing spending,” with all of these efforts being overseen by newly formed “cost structure taskforce” comprised of Chapek, CFO Christina McCarthy, and general counsel Horacio Gutierrez.

For decades, their animated and filmed content drove the woke agenda subtly and with great art. Mermaids, princesses, slaves, and toys inspired children to become more and more sexualized. Then, the wiser leadership retired, one by one, and the people who had been raised on that mental training took over. They held nothing back.

The LGBTQ agenda was announced as their core agenda. Karey Burke, president of Disney’s General Entertainment Content, announced on a company-wide Zoom call in March of this year that as “the mother of two queer children”—one transgender and one pansexual—she intends to drastically ramp up queer visibility within the Magic Kingdom, increasing characters in Disney productions that are LGBTQIA or other underrepresented minorities by a whopping 50 percent by the end of 2022.

Within one month, American parents reacted by cancelling everything Disney. Millions of people dropped Disney Plus. Millions more stopped visiting their Kingdom. They began to starve. We the people rebelled. The rebel alliance is real and powerful and as long as we stick together, we can defeat the Empire and regain our freedom and protect our children from these predators.

It remains unclear how many workers Disney will layoff and which areas of the company they will come from. My guess it will be on the order of the other kings of the Global Media Empire. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and numerous radio outlets have miscalculated the rebellion’s ability to unite and take action. The largest and most powerful still remains, and it is going to be much more difficult.

Google has diversified into vital industries like fiber optic cable, business communication software, banking, and even utility management. It grows like a cancer, because it has been the leader in election manipulation and assassinations of voices of the rebellion. Their artificial intelligence now runs most of the American elections. Hour, by hour, it analyzes the voting data, calculates how many counterfeit ballots are needed, prints the pre-voted ballots, and then hauls them locally to the counting stations.

White becomes black. Light becomes darkness right before our eyes, and anyone who stands up and tries to stop them or expose them is killed, financially destroyed, or eliminated from the public square. Even billionaires who try to stop them are destroyed through drug manipulation, false press stories printed and distributed, or the complete removal of entire revenue streams to financially break them down.

Disney shares crashed this week after the company reported fiscal fourth-quarter earnings that fell short of expectations. We cut off those earnings. You cut off those earnings. We the people have the power, because we are the headwaters of all the value in this world. We are, not them.

Disney revealed that it lost a stunning $1.5 billion on its streaming entertainment services as it seeks to build out Disney+ and Hulu. Do you know why? Because you turned them off. Your kids no longer watch the grooming software. You took your value elsewhere.

Disney picked a political fight with Gov. DeSantis earlier this year over the state’s Parental Rights in Education Law, which prohibits the teaching of sexuality and gender ideology — including transgenderism — to children in kindergarten through third grade.

Disney’s leading soldiers condemned the law and pledged that Disney would embrace radical LGBTQ activism going forward. No. Hell no. These are our children, not yours. Governor DeSantis was right when he claimed Florida is where woke comes to die. So, is your home. Make it so.

SF Source Brooks Agnew Nov 2022

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