Spiritual Trendsetters

mindOwen K Waters – Is it time for the world to stop being fearful?

Fear breeds fear. Love breeds love. One cancels the other. Which will you choose – love or fear?

If you decide to create more love in your life, the approach is simple. Spiritual awareness enhances the natural flow of the universal consciousness called love. By developing your inner spiritual connection, you attract and transmit more pure, unconditional love and all things will be added to you because of this.

Your relationships will grow deeper and more harmonious. You will appreciate yourself more, simply for being the child of God that you are. You’ll grow in your professional or recreational activities as you become more creative and, therefore, of more help to anyone to whom you provide a service.

It’s simply a choice. To develop love, start by ignoring the fears that face the rest of the world. Don’t let those issues of fear bring you down. That’s what they’re designed to do. If you let them bring you down, they will disempower you.

Instead, focus on what will make a difference within yourself. Your domain – the realm under your control – is within you. You can change that which is within yourself. Other people are outside of your domain, so change that which you can – that which is within yourself. Then, paradoxically, you will also effect positive change in the world because you are part of the global mind consciousness.

Just as there is an atmospheric belt around the world, there is also a mind belt around the world. This mind belt is constantly fed by the thoughts and emotions of every human upon the planet. People are like radio transmitters and receivers, only the energy is mind energy instead of radio waves. You constantly receive mind energy from the collective mind belt, condition it through your own consciousness and transmit it back into the mind belt.

Mind energy consists of thoughts and feelings. It is a definite energy, even though it is much more subtle than physical energies like light or electricity. Mind energy is conditioned and directed by human will.

You can be affected by the collective mind belt or you can decide for yourself how you will react to life’s events. Choose now whether you will be affected by every twist and turn in the game of life, or whether you will be one of the few who create the game.

Independent thinkers are the trendsetters in the mind belt. The way you think affects every other human upon the planet. The way you feel affects every other human upon the planet.

Because higher frequencies of thought and feeling have much more power than lower frequency ones, the unconditional love that you generate through your spiritual practices has a far more influence upon humanity than everyday thoughts and feelings.

Choose the development of love through regular, dedicated spiritual practices and you will be changing the world. At the end of the day, the one thing that really counts is the amount of spiritual growth that you have achieved.

Make spiritual growth your number one priority in life.

SF Source Spiritual Dynamics

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