Gnosticism, Archons/Greys, The Controller Agenda. The Jinn.

Ascending Starseed | July 20 2012

They sought to overpower humanity in its psychological and perceptual functions… although they saw that human thinking was superior to theirs… For indeed their delight is bitter and their beauty is depraved. And their triumph is in deception (apaton), leading astray, for their own structure is without divinity.”

Breathtaking, but what is that? Who said that? Of whom does it speak? Is it ancient? Is it contemporary? Is it correct? Is it relevant? What is it doing here in the pages of Open SETI?

Let’s begin with the last part of the question.

Open SETI is in some ways the opposite of SETI. SETI is an extraordinarily “narrow-band” search arising from a most denatured strain of modern-day scientific/intellectual thought. Open SETI begins with being… open. And what does one see, when open?

Would you agree that one sees a magnificent planet inhabited by a humanity that is becoming demented, even by its own definition?

This humanity is fragmenting, at war with itself, and each faction looking desperately for salvation from its particular idea of deity.

No small number of humans hope for help from another quarter: contact with extraterrestrial beings. Surely the SETI community derives at least some of its support from this dream.68 It manifests strongly among many “UFO believers” as well.

It will turn out that this dream of salvation has everything to do with our opening passage.

The passage is tight with ideas:

  • Some group attempted to overpower humanity.
  • The field of attack was psychological and perceptual.
  • Human thinking was superior to theirs.
  • Something about their pleasure and beauty is off.
  • They succeed, but only through deception because…
  • …There is such a thing as “divinity.”
  • …It is implied that we have it.
  • …They lack it.

These ideas form at least part of the “paradigm” for this page… which, as usual for this website, has little to do with that of conventional SETI with its focus on detection, astrobiology, habitable planets, etc.

Our opening quote is from The Apocryphon of John II, a Nag Hammadi text extensively discussed by author John Lash.

What’s so breathtaking and challenging about it is that deep mind recognizes its antiquity and its possible truth and relevance to present times.

As Lash explains, this passage reflects the view of the Gnostics:

Their interpretation of the “myth of contact” is a unique expose of alien intrusion with a strong warning message for humanity. It may well turn out that the Gnostic view of invervention is indispensable to our vision of ourselves as a species.

The word “divinity” is key in that passage. It is bound to be misunderstood, and the misunderstanding is itselfa result of the intervention.

We are deviated from true human potential through delusional beliefs about Divinity. 

For Lash and the Gnostics, the line of Divinity comes through our descent from the Earth – Gaia– and it is this connection that is the object of the intruders’ attack. They cannot actually do anything about it – it simply exists – but they can deceive us into turning our backs on it in favor of their own contrivances… such as several of our major religions.

Readers may wish to review the page Technology of the Soul.

Lash is speaking of Pagan Gnostics (not the later Christian Gnostics) whom he describes as powerful shamans, asserting that what they saw with their clear vision is as important to our understanding and our situation today as it was in their time.72

Notice that Lash refers to intrusion, warning, intervention, and self-vision.

Conventional thinking dismisses the thought of “alien takeover”, claiming that if there had been any danger of that, the invasion and takeover would have occurred a long time ago. Indeed. Please integrate that statement with our list of paradigm elements above.

Remember: field of attack is psychological and perceptual. Where then should we look for evidence of this invasion?

On this page we will discuss three dimensions of control:

  1. Intrinsic control suffered by many or all of us as the beings that we are, either through genetics or through our earliest post-natal if not prenatal environment.
  2. Extrinsic or societal control — extrinsic to us as individuals but deeply embedded in our social structures, again possibly through “inner” means working on a few very powerful individuals.
  3. Parasitic control mediated by something that has been implanted into us… either physically or nonphysically in the sense of “mental parasites” or something infecting “higher bodies” known well in non-western and western occult or esoteric traditions.

These dimensions — given that they even exist, which is something that needs to be considered — do not necessarily operate independently of one another. Thus extrinsic control systems may be set up to operate through intrinsic characteristic or embedded parasitic systems (parasites).

Extrinsic Control

 Continue reading @ Open Seti

2 thoughts on “Gnosticism, Archons/Greys, The Controller Agenda. The Jinn.

  1. They did take us over we are them. In this limited material form all we can be is parasitic until the spirit breaks free. Some can never leave the prison of physical form even spiritually all they can be is parasitic. The divine spirit is giving and apart of the larger source at all times like the great Gia. Lets discuse what the arks are?

    1. Hi Bridget. I agree our creation has been “taken over” as you say by some unenlightened, heartless creation. No doubt the technological one the Pleiadians mentioned are these archons described in the Gnostic texts and explained so ably by John Lamb Lash.

      It’s definitely time for a change in a positive direction. This particular game is both tired and dated. Time it goes away. Blessings ~G

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