Healing Our Inner Separations

healingKate Spreckley – We must remember that chaos always precedes any major change and what is happening in our world today indicates that major change is underway. The intensity of this time is urging us to see that what is occurring now is the dismantling of another energetic layer of the past.

As this layer dissolves we are compelled to awaken from our own inner darkness and the chain of karmic cycles which have kept us separated and bound to outdated patterns and beliefs.

We all consist of light and dark aspects, and it is essential at this time that your perception of the shadow shifts and transforms. It is important that you recognize that your shadowy aspects are not constant, nor are they infinite. They are only illusions that you need to transform within yourself so that you may heal your own inner separations.

Ultimately you are being called to break away from old conditioning, to let go of what is right and wrong and surrender to what is.

SF Source Spirit Library Mar 2022

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