Does Peace Have A Sound?

The Sacred Scribe | October 12 2012

The silent mind has a sound.

At least, that’s what I’ve been experiencing.

Can that be possible?

It sounds like a frequency…a resonance…a sonar vibration.

It’s very subtle, and it’s always there, like a harmonic.

And it’s always there because I have a feeling this is the sound of Infinity, Eternalness, Emptiness.

Of course, I can’t know this for sure…it’s just a hunch. I’m not a scientist , so I can’t really prove what I’m hearing. (if anyone knows what this is, please let me know.)

I do know it’s not tinnitus, as that condition is like torture from the research I’ve read.

This sound is subtle…a tone…a high frequency sound, but somehow muted, soft, and gentle.


Not irritating, piercing, or sharp.

When I lose my awareness of it, mostly when I need to engage my mind for a task of some sort, I can simply tune back into it, like a radio station, and yet even in the midst of a task, I can access it by choice and engage in both task and sound simultaneously…like right now as I’m writing this.

It`s not like there can only be one without the other.

Not once has this sound been unavailable when I’ve tuned back in.

It’s just there.

It just IS.

And it’s pleasant….beautiful actually.

Beautiful, because it’s a reminder of what used to be hidden in the background of the noisy mind.

A reminder that a silent mind, in actuality, is a sweet song in the midst of this play we call life.

What if Peace has a sound?

Could this be it?

© Copyright 2012 – Heather Fraser – All Rights Reserved

One thought on “Does Peace Have A Sound?

  1. I have had this soft sound/harmonic for some time now. I used to have tinnitus and it was awful, like crickets chirping in your head. Over time that went away and was replaced by what I have been calling The Sound of Silence. Sure beats crickets!

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