Codex Alimentarius Rises From Auschwitz Death Camp

Gaia Health | July 1 2012 | Thanks, Zen

Codex Alimentarius is a testament to the continuing and increasing power of the titans of world corporations, able to take control of our most basic needs, turning them into profit-driven industries, and pressing us into the slavery of feeding their greed.

Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Its name signifies the horror of Nazi Germany. In its conglomeration of 48 camps, over a million people were exterminated in gas chambers, starved to death, murdered individually, and killed and tortured in horrific medical experiments.

Codex Alimentarius is a modern-day tool for usurping the people’s rights to limit their choices in that most basic of needs: food. The rules set forth by Codex bureaucrats, people who, for the most part, know nothing of nutrition or health, are enforced on humanity by national governments and treaties. Their decisions are based on the instructions of masters from Big Pharma and Agribusiness, corporate entities that are on the verge of taking complete control of the food supply and what’s left of health.

What do these two exemplars of facism, Auschwitz and Codex Alimentarius, have in common?

  • Bayer, pharmaceuticals and agribusiness.
  • BASF, agribusiness.
  • Hoechst, later called Aventis, which became part of Sanofi pharmaceuticals.

These are three of the corporations that comprised the super conglomerate IG Farben. They owned Auschwitz. After World War II, IG Farben was split up, putting Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst back on their own.

Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst presided over the extermination of over a million people. They presided over the starvation and forced labor of even more. They presided over unbelievably despicable medical experimentation initiated in Auschwitz. They sold the gas used to annihilate millions. They set up the medical experimentation to develop drugs. They profited from this misery. It was, in fact, their sole interest in the concentration camp. To them, it was an enterprise, a business whose purpose was to make profits from the misery of millions of people.

So how does Codex Alimentarius figure in this scenario? Codex is the agency set up under the auspices of the United Nations (UN) and its subsidiary the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1963. Its purpose is to set the rules that nations adapt into law for control of the entire world food industry, “harmonizing” the laws of food production and preparation the world over.

Fritz ter Meer, A Titan of Farben … and Auschwitz

One of the founders of Codex Alimentarius was Fritz ter Meer. He was a member of the board of IG Farben. During World War II, he was the Wartime Manager of Farben, so in that role, he was the person responsible for Auschwitz. In 1948, ter Meer was found guilty of plundering and enslavement war crimes during the Nuremberg prosecutions. He was sentenced to 7 years, but because of powerful friends, he was released from prison in 1952, years early.

In fact, the United States’ lead prosecutor during the Nuremberg War Trials stated of ter Meer and his fellow corporate leaders:

These IG Farben criminals, not the lunatic Nazi fanatics, are the main war criminals. If the guilt of these criminals is not brought to light and if they are not punished, they will represent a much greater threat to the future peace of the world than Hitler if he were still alive.

We’d hope that ter Meer’s influence would have come to an end at that point, but instead he returned to his corporate role as a board member of Bayer, and in 1956 became Chairman of the Board. He also added board positions in other corporate organizations, including Commerzbank AG, Bank Association AG, Duewag (railroad manufacturer Duesseldorfer waggonfabrik AG, now Siemens), and Union Bank AG, among others.  From those positions, he set his sights on consolidating the corporate power he understood so well.

Ter Meer is still honored by Bayer! After his death, they set up a foundation in his name to give scholarships to chemistry students, which Bayer still administers. Somehow, Bayer thinks that it can escape its culpability in war crimes by saying that the corporation didn’t really exist during that time, as it was then part of Farben. How that absolves them is locked deep inside the head of a marketing wizard.

Fritz ter Meer’s involvement in the development of Codex Alimentarius is not clear. That he had an interest in that direction is. The Rath Foundation states unequivocally:

In 1962, ter Meer was one of the architects of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and one of the main designers of the schemes that would profit from human suffering.

The deceptive title “Codex Alimentarius” is no accident. It was devised by the same firms and indeed the same individuals, who gave the Auschwitz concentration camp inmates the deceptive slogan “Arbeit mach frei” (“Work makes you free”).

Other Farben Titans, and Their Careers After WWII

Fritz ter Meer was the top person involved with IG Farben and Auschwitz. Other members of the executive committee and board of Farben included:

  • Otto Ambros. After release in 1952, he went on to continue as a chairman and board member of major chemical and other kinds of industrial firms, and also acted as an advisor to F.K. Flick and the US industrialist, J.P. Grace, resulting in the Flick Scandal involving bribery of German politicians.
  • Hermann Schmitz, Farben chairman of the board, head of military economics in Nazi Germany. Later was a board member of the Berlin West bank and honorary chairman of  the Rheinish steel plant.
  • Fritz Gajewski. Later became chairman of the board of Dynamite Nobel AG, won the Distinguished Service Cross of the Federal Republic of Germany, and was chairman of Genschow & Co and the Chemie-Verwaltungs AG, and board member of Huels AG and the Gelsenkirchener mines.
  • Heinrich Buetefisch. Later became a supervisory board member of Ruhr-Chemie and Kohle-Öl-Chemie, among others. Given the 1964 Distinguished Service Cross of the Federal Republic of Germany, though it was taken away 16 days later because of violent protests.
  • Friedrich Jaehne. Later became a supervisory board member of Hoechst (now called Aventis), Alfreds Messer GmbH, and Linde.
  • Carl Krauch, Farben chairman of the board. Later became a board member of Huels GmbH.
  • Carl Wurster, the only one found not guilty at Nuremberg (though one must wonder how he could possibly have been innocent in his role on the Farben executive committee). Later, he became chairman of the board of BASF, now a major genetic engineering firm, along with board roles in Duisburger Kupferhuette and Robert Bosch AG, Augusts Viktoria, the Buna-Werke Huels GmbH, Süddeutschen Bank, Deutschen Bank, Vereinigten Glanzstoff, BBC, Allianz, and Degussa. He was given the Distinguished Service Cross of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Bayer service medal, and a variety of honorary roles in various universities and cities. He became president of the chemical industry federation and vice-president of the Max-Planck company of German chemists.

Obviously, the Nuremberg Trials were little more than a dog-and-pony show. The guiltiest of all went on to long lives filled with wealth, honor, and power, in spite of their direct involvement with Auschwitz, from which all of them profited. The Rath Foundation has no doubt that they went on to further their goals of world domination, with Codex Alimentarius as part of the plan. It’s certain that they continued in their roles as profiteers, no matter what the human cost. The track records of Bayer, BASF, and Sanofi in killer drugs, genetically modified foods, chemicals, and other disastrous products make their sociopathic character abundantly clear.

Codex Alimentarius, the Brainchild of Industry

Codex Alimentarius has claimed that the Nazi connection isn’t true. However, they do not provide the names of the people and organizations that created it, little more than that it was done under the FAO and WHO. They do, however, clarify that it originally came into being under a different name as an industry, not government, organization before coming under their auspices.

The Council of the Codex Alimentarius Europaeus was an organization formed in 1958 by European industries, under the auspices of industry organizations, the International Commission on Agricultural Industries and the International Bureau of Analytical Chemistry. It’s obvious, of course, that the post-war titans of these industries were the ones involved in putting the organization in place. Who were some of the most prominent titans of those industries? Former IG Farben executives, of course.

It simply begs credulity to suggest that the titans of Farben, who went on to become titans of Farben’s industrial trio, Bayer-BASF-Hoecsht and other major corporations, were not involved in the creation of Codex Alimentarius, an organization set up by industries to promote and harmonize their trade worldwide.

In 1961, the Council of the Codex Alimentarius Europaeus entered into discussions with FAO and WHO, and in 1963, Codex Alimentarius was born.

Codex Alimentarius is part of the post-Nazi era effort to take control of world trade. Because of the power that these business titans held, they were given little more than a slap on the wrist for their atrocities against humanity at Auschwitz. Then, they simply regrouped and continued on their way, with new plans to use the wealth of corporations for their own ends.

Codex Alimentarius Today

Codex Alimentarius defines the rules for food trade, and those rules are implemented worldwide. That does not make Codex a health agency. It is a trade agency. To see this, one need only look at the home page of Codex’s website:

The Codex Alimentarius Commission, established by FAO and WHO in 1963 developsharmonised international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice to protect the health of the consumers and ensure fair trade practices in the food trade. The Commission also promotes coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations. [Emphasis Heidi’s.]

Why should food standards be international in nature, if not to facilitate trade for multinational corporations? It is not possible to serve more than one master. Codex Alimentarius cannot simultaneous act for the benefit of people’s health and also “harmonize international food standards”. There is, in fact, no need to “harmonize” food standards around the world unless the purpose is to remove people’s ability to provide their own locally. It’s obvious from reading their own self-promotion that Codex is focused on assuring that multinational corporations control the food supply everywhere in the world.

Codex Alimentarius is a testament to the continuing and increasing power of the titans of world corporations, able to take control of our most basic needs, turn them into profit-driven industries, and press us into the slavery of feeding their greed.


2 thoughts on “Codex Alimentarius Rises From Auschwitz Death Camp

  1. Although I found this shocking and heatbreaking, thank you so much for this post.My paternal grandparents and most of the family were murdered at the camps whilst I was much harmed by pharmaceuticals along with many. May 2013 be the year where all hatred melts and the vibration of love becomes so powerful and all consuming as to disallow the seed of hate to begin.

    1. Happy New Year, M’nM! I’m really saddened to hear about what happened to your paternal grandparents and other family members. These base motivations of hatred and powerlust are precisely what must be released from Gaia’s blueprint. Truly “May 2013 be the year where all hatred melts and the vibration of love becomes so powerful and all consuming as to disallow the seed of hate to begin.” Hugs, G

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