The Gravity Of Love . . .

Heyoka  June 5 2013

AlternativeTo follow the path of least resistance is not for cowards.

To follow the path of least resistance is to follow your excitement and do what you want, no matter the consequences. It is to honor your joy and that which makes you come alive.

Your excitement is the Gravity of Love. You are conceived, but not yet born. The Gravity of Love will bring you closer and closer to the Gateway of Your Self. The closer you get, the more you have to leave behind.

We live in a World of Vision. A world of ideas and concepts. What you leave behind is not your family, your home and your material belongings, but your ideas and concepts around them.

Whatever you leave behind will free up your energy to become more aware of what is happening right now, and to spend less time being concerned with what happened yesterday, or what will happen tomorrow.

There is no link between yesterday, today and tomorrow. The link you create is your storyline; your perception of linearity. You are alone both the cause and the effect of your existence; a self-contained entity, creating circumstances which directly reflect its content.

You cannot bring anything with you through this gateway. You must stand in your own two shoes with nothing to hold on to. To be allowed access you have to become a true autonomous individual; completely empty of any anticipations of a better future.

Relax, relax, relax – let yourself fall. Don’t anticipate, don’t expect, don’t grasp, don’t cling, don’t oppose. Just be here. Unwavering, clear, serene, still and observing in your immensely powerful presence.

Before you know it you will find yourself in a totally different world. From being a victim of circumstance, to becoming a victim of your own presence. From being a victim of limitation, dissatisfaction, doubt, competition, comparison, jealousy, poverty and lack, into becoming a victim of expansion, contentment, clarity, trust, understanding, abundance, wisdom, compassion and love.

The word victim is used with intention to emphasize the fact that you do not have a choice, and never had one.

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