Highly Reactive Chemicals Discovered In Atmosphere

 new kind of 'highly reactive' chemical is found in Earth's atmosphereJoseph P Farrell – The Gizars were out in force last week combing the internet for articles that are “narrative burners,” and this one was spotted by B.H. and passed along, and with it, I’m going to do a bit of predictive high octane speculation, crawling out to the end of the twig, and doing a Wile E. Coyote nose dive into the canyons below.  I don’t need to remind any of the readership here of Elana Freeland’s works on chemical spraying, nor Mr. Globaloney’s endorsement of “climate change”.

Just bear it all in mind as you read this one:

Entirely new kind of ‘highly reactive’ chemical is found in Earth’s atmosphere – and it could be triggering respiratory and heart diseases and contributing to global warming, scientists claim

The first thing to notice is that the discovery is entirely predictable and the result of natural processes:

Peroxides are known to exist in the air surrounding us, and it was predicted that trioxides were probably in the atmosphere as well, but until now it has never been unequivocally proven.

‘This is what we have now accomplished,’ says Professor Henrik Grum Kjærgaard, at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Chemistry.

…hydrotrioxides are formed during the atmospheric decomposition of several known and widely emitted substances, including isoprene and dimethyl sulfide.

Isoprene is one of the most frequently emitted organic compounds into the atmosphere. It is produced by many plants and animals and its polymers are the main component of natural rubber.

The study shows that approximately one per cent of all isoprene released turns into hydrotrioxides.

Indeed, it is thought to be very common, and, of course, it’s all due to human activity:

Most human activity leads to emission of chemical substances into the atmosphere,’ said co-author and postdoc, Kristan H. Møller.

‘So, knowledge of the reactions that determine atmospheric chemistry is important if we are to be able to predict how our actions will affect the atmosphere in the future.’

But of course, the activity of spraying the atmosphere constantly is not mentioned at all, nor are any potential environmental or health issues, which, according to the article, include cardio-vascular issues.

I suspect, however, that there’s a round-about admission that more is going on here than just ordinary human activity and cattle flatulence (you’ll notice they never mention any other species’ flatulence, including our own… I wonder why? [cough…NOT!]). The reason I suspect it is this odd mention in the article, that the formation of the chemical compounds causing all this mayhem occurs in aerosols:

The research team claims that the hydrotrioxides are likely to be able to penetrate into tiny airborne particles, known as aerosols, which pose a health hazard and can lead to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

‘They will most likely enter aerosols, where they will form new compounds with new effects,’ said Prof Kjærgaard.

‘It is easy to imagine that new substances are formed in the aerosols that are harmful if inhaled. But further investigation is required to address these potential health effects.’

There is also a high probability that hydrotrioxides impact how many aerosols are produced, according to the researchers, which in turn has an impact on climate.

‘As sunlight is both reflected and absorbed by aerosols, this affects the Earth’s heat balance – that is, the ratio of sunlight that Earth absorbs and sends back into space,’ explained co-author and PhD. student Eva R. Kjærgaard.

‘When aerosols absorb substances, they grow and contribute to cloud formation, which affects Earth’s climate as well.’

Aerosols absorbing substances contribute to cloud formations and those in turn affect the climate? You mean, like the aerosols being sprayed by jet aircraft and observed all over the world? You mean, it’s not just flatulence? You mean, it could be something else that some humans are doing beyond eating and getting gas? You mean, I don’t have to hold it in any more?

Whodda thought?

…and, I’m so relieved, literally.

See you on the flip side…

SF Source Joseph P Farrell Jun 2022

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