Hitting Psychological Bedrock

new moonLorna Bevan – Those pre-2020 New Year’s Days of compulsively hitting January 1st running, weighed down by self-help resolutions and linear must-reach goals, now seem like a distant memory …..now we know better, we do better.

As Venus retrogrades in Capricorn until January 29th, the astrology of January 2022 is all about strengthening your psychic bedrock of magnetic physical healing, repair and integration. Don’t jump straight into the Next before you experience the Now. You need to be rooted before you can create next season’s growth and deeply planted ahead of the creative highwater mark of April’s Jupiter/Neptune conjunction.

Frame it as a wonderful opportunity to wake up from the deep sleep of your blind spots and repetitive karmic loops; as a chance to become fully present in Now. If you cling to or fall back into the old fictions you used to fool yourself with, the present with its potential is inaccessible. If you keep trying to second guess or project yourself into the future, you lose your power to act Now.

On Sunday January 2nd, a stealth Super New Moon at 12° Capricorn squares Chiron and trines unpredictable Uranus. This is the first of 4 Super Moons in 2022 – a New Moon on steroids at its closest to the Earth, bringing geo-magnetic disturbance, high tides and storm surges. These geo-physical manifestations also fritz and fry your nervous system, making you extra-sensitive, so channel this earthy Capricorn Moon into practical clearing, sweeping away anything that is preventing your energy and creativity from flowing freely.

Gift yourself with gentle body work, being outside in nature, eating well. Jupiter in Pisces activates the karmic Nodes of Fate, giving you a glimpse of the big picture, the view from the mountaintop, evoking bright faith and fierce hope in the rising Jupiter/Neptune waters of new life just up ahead.

There is some important soul searching to be done now with Venus retrograde in Pluto’s underworld until January 29th and Mercury Guide of Souls retrograde alongside her between January 14th to February 3rd.

On January 8th, Venus will literally black out, occulted by the Sun as she morphs into the Morning Star aka Lucifer, the light bearer. At this Venus Star Point, something may have to die in order to be reborn. It is all about seeing what really matters when all your usual props and distractions have been taken away and working with the energies to permanently clear away the dross, the superficial and the unnecessary.

Chandra Symbol Super New Moon Capricorn 13: A very old wrinkled brown paper sack

“When personal karma matches collective patterns, we combine forces against ourselves from within and from without. We spring a trap upon ourselves. Yet inside this steel trap, something is cooking. We can be fed by what it cooks up if we can stay with ourselves in the very midst of abandoning ourselves.

It may take many crises and the wearing away of old disguises before we are willing and able to realize that we can shift our stance considerably. All we have to do is recognize that part of us is moving through this dilemma, not stuck in it. The most subtle shift in perspective has long range reverberations down the line which are massive. We can discover here that this is an old syndrome, something we’ve been through before, just the same way. It is wearing out. If we come to know this, we can cast it off before it wears us out.” –  Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Jan 2022

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