Water And The Awakening

WaterHeartMy desire to have a stronger connection with Gaia has been coming to me through water.

Makes sense I suppose as our bodies are about two-thirds water by weight and that water covers roughly two-thirds of the earth’s surface.

I’m thinking back to the amazing images created by Masaru Emoto showing how water responds to thought and emotion… consciousness.

And, as Emoto has shown, we can converse with water – let it carry our intention, love and appreciation for life.

Even small things like taking a shower, drinking a glass of water, watering my garden carry a more conscious appreciation of this amazing substance.

Reflecting the ‘awakening’, many revelations about water have come to light in recent months.

For example… ‘Middle Earth Revelation? Gaia Contains Giant, Secret Reservoir of Water’… “Scientists have discovered a great “wet zone” far down within the Earth that might hold as much water as all the world’s oceans put together.”

Another aspect of water that seems mysteriously cloaked in invisibility to the human collective, is the ability to transform water into gases.

Although I’ve written on this before, I like to look at it again – this time more as an intention rather that just an interesting, passing factoid.

I watched a BBC special titled ‘Boldly They Go’ a few years ago that featured the intention of a nuclear submarine to make a return trip to the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

In giving a tour of the submarine that would likely attempt the journey, the narrator says… “Early submarines had to return to the surface frequently to replenish their air supplies, but modern subs can stay underwater much longer because they can make their own oxygen.”

The show’s moderator then talks with the crew member in charge of air quality on the submarine. They enter a room that is surprisingly stark except for a few boxes on the wall and piping, and asks: “So to create oxygen for a crew of dozens and dozens of men, what actually do you have to do?”

Crew member in charge of air supply: “It’s actually very simple; we take demineralized water and we pass a DC electrical current through the water to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen we then keep to put back into the atmosphere, which we then breathe, and the hydrogen is compressed and discharged overboard because it’s not required.”

Scientist / moderator: “You’ve got your plentiful supply of water and energy; how long can that produce an environment your sailors can breathe?”

Crew member: “Indefinitely.”

To repeat what the crew member said… “It’s actually very simple”… A DC current separates water as a solid (HHO) into hydrogen and oxygen gases (HOH).

A similar box to the one in the air quality compartment on the submarine was shown in the back of a compact car made by the Japanese manufacture Genepax when featured in a Reuters’ newscast a few years back. The box separated water stored in the fuel tank into hydrogen gas that burned cleanly to propel the car -with the oxygen and drops of distilled water being discharged out the tailpipe.

The Genepax car tested at going about 300 miles on a gallon of water at 80MPH.

Stan Meyer was feature on several mainstream newscasts in the 80’s, getting the same miles per gallon from  the ‘water engine’ he created and figured he could convert every vehicle to run on hydrogen from water for about $1,200 a vehicle.

Although both were ‘disappeared’, the information remains available on YouTube.

Others, like retired radio and TV engineer John Kanzius, have demonstrated separating water into gas through radio frequency.

Water as a gas would change the game in the way we generate electricity, power vehicles and planes – and eliminate the need to drill for oil and gas, mine for coal and eliminate the need for nuclear power plants.

(When asked what he thought about nuclear power plants, Albert Einstein replied… “It’s a hell of a way to boil water.”)

The relationship between water and consciousness, water and the awakening  and our relationship with Gaia, holds many wonders… some waiting patiently to be seen; others patiently waiting to be discovered.

A good exercise we can do here is to energetically ‘charge’ this image – remove this cloak of invisibility – in helping these gifts to be seen and manifest in this timeline – in this reality – here and now.

Taking time individually to look at, converse with and appreciate the gift of water will help open the doors of perception for all.

Much love!

SF Source ZenGardner  Dec 13 2014

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