How to Predict the Future

predict the futureJennifer Hoffman – Yes, you can create and you can predict your future. In fact, you do it every day with each decision you face and the choices that you allow to be part of that decision.

Predicting the future is less about intuition than it is about considering your potential and possibilities and what you will surrender to, or allow to happen. You could be presented with the most wonderful opportunities for a fabulous future but if you do not allow them to become possible, nothing will happen.

Predicting the future involves several aspects:

1. Knowing that there are two paths to every future
2. Understanding how the possibilities bridge works
3. Knowing where your point of power pivot is and when it is happening
4. Awareness of the connection between energy and potential.

The two paths to every future are the assumed path and the potential path. The assumed path is the one that you expect to happen because it has always happened, it happens for everyone you know, and you cannot envision a different outcome. The assumed path is based on your assumptions about yourself, your life, your possibilities, and your limitations. If you know you cannot do something, although you have not tried it yet, you won’t give it a second thought. Your assumptions rule your future, not your potential.

Listen to the podcast to hear my story about learning to do an impossible yoga pose.

The potential path is the unknown path, this is the path that takes you in an entirely new and different direction, one that you have never considered and no one you know has considered either. It is the ‘path less traveled’ and the one that has no basis in any reality you know or can envision.

The possibilities bridge is the link between the assumed path and the potential path because until you can imagine that something is possible you cannot even begin to see its potential. This is where you have to reach beyond what you assume and know into an unknown possible future and predict a different outcome that you cannot be sure is going to happen.

It just takes something to push you in that direction, something big, something that moves you off the assumed, predictable future you know and probably are not very happy with or isn’t fulfilling any more, into the unknown path that no matter how scary that prospect is, it is better than what you have right now.

This is the point of power pivot and it acts as a catapult into a new reality only because the current reality has become so challenging, unacceptable, difficult, and impossible to continue that leaving it is the only option. Do you remember my story of how I created my free trip to France, which was also the basis for my book, 30 Days to Everyday Miracles? Listen to the podcast for more details about that.

The point of power pivot is the key element in this process because it is the one event that turns on the possibilities engine and gets you out of the assumed future to run across the possibilities bridge.

It is the point at which miracles are created because it is the point where you abandon all fear, doubt, hesitation, and anxiety, and know that if you do not do something different or differently, what may happen is far worse than what is going on in your life right now. Or something happens that you feel so much guilt, shame, and remorse over that you stop limiting your potential and jump onto a new future potential.

There can be fear involved, if fear is what motivates you, but there is also the realization that you cannot continue on the path you are on any longer and the assumption that the future will be exactly like the present is no longer an option. Something needs to change. Something different needs to happen and now you are ready to explore the potential future and consider new options for your possibilities bridge.

This is not usually a long, drawn out process, it generally happens in a single instant of understanding, clarity, and awareness, a moment where you know, beyond all knowing, what you want to do next.

The next thing to do is to take action and that requires energy. We have to be at the energy of our potential in order for it to happen. So yes, what I am saying is what you have heard from me and many other teachers over the past two decades, you have to act ‘as if’ it had already happened. But more than that, you have to know that if it is something you want it is already part of your field of potential so all you have to do is raise your vibe to meets its energy and that will help you move it closer to you.

Did you know that having strong energy boundaries is part of raising your frequency because energy boundaries prevent energy leaks, drains, and power grabs.

So before your try to leap into a new potential, build the net you need that will ensure you are ready for the change you want to create.

Understand that you have to choose between your assumed path and your future path and that is not an insignificant choice, it is a leap into the unknown. But if you are at the point of power pivot, which is usually where this choice is made, then you are ready to do something different and you’ll make the change because you have no more fear, excuses, or reasons to stay where you are.

And pay attention to your energy boundaries, they are truly your keys to freedom and it is a concept that I introduced over 10 years ago and it is the original and only real energy boundary process available.

New visions generally arise from disappointment, feelings of failure, hopelessness, and depression. That is just a sign that the current path has run out of energy road. It is not the time to despair, it is the time to activate the point of power pivot and turn your attention in a new direction that will give you the joy, fulfillment, and hope that you want and need.

Copyright (c) 2004-2022 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

SF Source Enlightening Life Jan 2022

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