How to Smoke a Blunt: Tips and Tricks

marijuana bluntHere we will go over how to smoke a blunt and nine tips and tricks you can use to ensure your smoke session doesn’t go south.

Smoking a blunt may sound pretty straightforward, but if you’re new to smoking, there are many things you should know before getting started.

Let’s jump right in.

1. Choose your materials

Marijuana and a wrap are the two ingredients you need for a blunt.

To select the cannabis that is right for you, decide if you would like a psychedelic experience, pain relief, help sleeping, etc., then talk to your local dispensary to determine which strain would benefit you most.

Selecting a blunt wrap is easier since you only need to choose a brand and flavor.

2. Make sure you have the right tools

Consider purchasing a grinder to break up your weed, a roach clip to avoid burning your fingers, a lighter to light your blunt, an ashtray for ashes, and a rolling tray to place and roll your cannabis on.

Although a lighter is the only tool required for smoking, the other items make the process less challenging for beginners.

3. Decide which type of blunt you want

A regular marijuana blunt and a spliff are the two types of blunts that you can smoke.

Marijuana blunts only contain bud, while a spliff has both bud and tobacco. So if you’re not a cigarette smoker, you may want to stay away from spliffs. However, blunt wraps are made from tobacco leaves, so there are health risks to be aware of when smoking blunts.

4. Learn how to roll

Rolling can be tricky, and your first few attempts may not even be smokable, so having extra wraps would be helpful.

You can learn how to roll by following a youtube tutorial and practicing the steps until you get it down.

Remember to remove all stems and seeds from your bud, don’t make your blunt too loose, and make sure it holds together well.

5. Have food and water ready

You always want to stay hydrated while smoking, but having water with you is vital because when you take a hit, you may cough a lot, and that water may be the only thing that can stop it.

Additionally, getting “cotton mouth” and “the munchies” are side effects of smoking, so having food and water on hand can make the experience more enjoyable.

6. Know how to light it

Lighting a blunt is not like lighting a cigarette, and if you treat it like a cigarette, you may burn yourself or a large portion of the blunt’s tip.

It is best to hold the blunt between your fingers and light it slowly with a back and forth motion of the flame. After making a cherry, you can then start to inhale. If the cherry goes out, relight the blunt the same way and consider using a roach clip to avoid burning your fingers as you light and smoke it.

7. Be in good company

Being around people you trust and are comfortable with is one of the most important things you can do when smoking, especially if you are a beginner.

Some strains of cannabis can cause you to feel anxiety, paranoia, or depression, and there is not much you can do besides wait it out. If you react poorly to the high your strain has provided, you will want to be surrounded by people that can get you through it and not make it worse.

8. Take small and slow hits

When hitting your blunt, you will want to start by taking short and slow drags.

Taking a large hit might be a huge mistake if you’re not used to smoking a blunt because it may leave you coughing until your face turns purple or until you vomit.

Start by inhaling small amounts and gradually increasing your hits’ size throughout your smoke session.

9. Don’t overdo it

Not many people know that it takes about ten minutes for cannabis to kick in, making it easy to smoke too much accidentally.

If you are new to smoking, expect to have no tolerance. Just half of a hit from a blunt can get you high, while seasoned smokers may need three or four hits to feel something.

You can ensure you pace yourself by waiting about 10 minutes between hits; otherwise, you may bite off more than you can chew.

Smoking a blunt can be a fun experience when done correctly.

Make sure you choose the right weed, smoke with people you trust, and start off slow.

Shift Frequency © 2022 – How to Smoke a Blunt:
Tips and Tricks

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