Human Trafficking Not a ‘Sham Excuse’ For a Border Wall [Video]

traffickingSara Carter – Failure to enhance security along the roughly 2,000 mile porous southern border with Mexico perpetuates the illicit trafficking of children and women by criminal cartels.

Fox New’s Contributor Sara Carter and CEO of Operation Underground Railroad Tim Ballard described the horrors of human slavery and trafficking in graphic detail on Fox News’ Laura Ingram Thursday. They disputed claims by some media anchors who said President Trump’s  descriptions of woman being trafficked was over-exaggerated and a “sham excuse” for a border wall.

“The Ingraham Angle” tackled the very difficult subject of child sex trafficking, an issue Ballard, a former special agent with the Department of Homeland Security, has been bringing to light since establishing his non-profit.

Operation Underground Railroad was established by Ballard to work alongside international partners and rescue children from criminal trafficking organizations.

“Nobody out there is defending the victims without a voice” Carter told Ingraham. She was responding to a montage of media clips from CNN to NBC that accused President Trump of over exaggerating his statements about women and children being trafficked.

Trump signed the “Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act”  last month,  furthering an administration initiative to fight a worldwide human trafficking. Moreover, the the legislation is aimed at tackling the $150 billion industry and curtailing human slavery , estimated at 30 million people worldwide.

Trump explained recently that America’s porous borders contribute to the human trafficking crisis. He’s right, said Ballard and Carter.

“We’re talking about, in many cases, women and children grabbed, thrown into the backseat of a car, or thrown into a van with no windows, with no — any form of air.  Tape put across their mouths,” said Trump, painting a picture of the gruesome reality.

“And they’re brought across the border,” he added. “And they don’t go through checkpoints; they go through the emptiest spot they can find, with no walls, with no fences.”

Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon and others, however, were quick to jump on Trump, saying the president gets his information from overly dramatic movies and not reality.

What happens to victims is far worse than “what you see in Sicario,” said Ballard, referencing the recent film depicting the tragedy of human trafficking and drug cartels.

Carter described her encounter with a victim of child sex trafficking.

In 2014, “there was a young 14 year old girl sitting off alone, she was so distraught, she had been harmed, they told me she had been raped.”

“I can’t even imagine that anybody would even joke about this” said Carter, whose spent the majority of her career covering the U.S. Mexico Border.

On Tuesday Border Patrol Agents arrested a convicted sex offender at the El Centro Sector near the Calexico Port of Entry.

In 2007 the suspect was convicted for Felony Child Molestation in the state of Georgia. In 2011 the suspect was released and deported back to Mexico. The suspect also served two years in prison for Felony Abduction & Kidnapping in the state of Virginia in 1999. In FY 2019, Border Patrol Agents have arrested seven convicted sex offenders at the El Centro Sector alone.

SF Source Sara Carter Feb 2019

4 thoughts on “Human Trafficking Not a ‘Sham Excuse’ For a Border Wall [Video]

  1. I can appreciate that the border in question is the easiest one to cross illegally with the intent of further crimes, but the Canadian border and both coasts are hardly insurmountable barriers; just ask the Cuban invaders. Keeping out the massive number of illegal immigrants is a good reason for a wall, but hyperbole about more heinous criminal activity ultimately weakens the argument. Human trafficking and drug trafficking are lucrative enterprises. Surely a walled Mexican border will have little impact on serious criminals of this ilk.

    1. There is NO hyperbole about the crime on the Southern border. It is REAL. More importantly it is DOCUMENTED. Perhaps you should do some research before posting. In fact you can start here g

      1. It seems I may have miscommunicated. I don’t say it doesn’t exist, or that it isn’t as substantial as the author believes it to be. I am saying that building a wall will not stem the flow of crime, criminals or criminal enterprises into the USA (illegal migrants aside). Human trafficking already operates in other regions. The Mexican border may be the cheapest entree of the USA, but profitable criminal enterprises will readily pay a little more and enter via the coastline or Canada. These are high margin businesses with pricing elasticity. A wall merely changes HOW they do business, which is hardly a worthwhile goal for the rest of the USA (in other words, the improvement at the Mexican border would be offset by a worsening in Baltimore, San Diego, New England and many other regions).

      2. You should call Nancy Pelosi. She will LOVE your comments. Unfortunately, the Border Patrol EXPERTS who are actually on the job patrolling America’s very porous Southern border won’t be as receptive to your arguments as THEY are the ones who get killed and can’t stop the flood of illegal crossings. A wall with cameras and other types of sensitive electronic equipment gives them the TIME they need to get to places where illegals are crossing. Here’s some ACTUAL DATA to ponder:

        “In fact, the number of deportable illegal immigrants located by the US Border Patrol plummeted by more than 89 percent over the five-year period during which the controversial new fence was built, according to Homeland Security data I reviewed. When the project first started in 2006, illegal crossings totaled 122,261, but by 2010, when the 131-mile fence was completed from one end of El Paso out into the New Mexico desert, immigrant crossings shrank to just 12,251.”

        Once the WALL is built then Trump can move on to other areas of threat posed, such as the Canadian side of things.

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